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    Attendee hub

    Has anyone used the Attendee Hub from CVENT? I'm curious to hear about your experiences with it. How does it compare to other event management tools you've used? Looking forward to your insights! #AbstractManagement #AccessPortal #Appointments ...

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    add a link to a pop-up box

    can I add a link to the "NO" response when answering the pop-up question "Do you want to start a new registration?" I would like to send people back to the agenda page #Registration ------------------------------ Eloise Aita President New York State ...

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    RE: Email Communication

    Following, as I had a similar experience and wasn't sure what happens to those emails. ------------------------------ Karen Arends CMP Lead Events Management Specialist Wells Fargo & CompanyUnited States ------------------------------

  • Julia - thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for. Appreciate the assist! ------------------------------ Christine McCluskey Administrative Assistant and APSI Coordinator College BoardUnited States ------------------------------

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    RE: Automated Approval

    Are you referring to Admin > Meetings Management > Automated Approval If yes, on the top right under 'Actions' there is an option to export 'Approvers'. It exports as a .txt file which you can easily copy paste in excel. ------------------------------ ...

  • Hi Nicole, Thank you for your reply. The process you described is the standard one and the one we are currently using, however, I was just looking for an alternative since some of our approvers are high up in the organization and don't want to be bothered ...

  • Hi Aviva, Hope you are well! To track who clicked on the links in the email to visit the pages, you can enable click tracking within the email settings. For this, please go to your event > Emails > Event emails > click on the email's ...

  • I'm curious if anyone is using Cvent in unique ways. For example, I created a diversity platform for our DE&I teams to register their events and implemented an approval routing so that communication can be reviewed for branding and content. The MRF ...

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