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  • I've always worked from the Agenda, selected all and exported the agenda which works well for us. My BIG ask either way is to have the speakers listing come across as First, Last, Designation like it is on the faculty web page. The speaker column comes ...

  • Hi Tim, You don't have to apologize at all. I understand it can be a little tricky. That's why we're here to assist you. I would suggest you to contact our Cvent Support and discuss it through with them to see which set up will suit ...

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    RE: Multiple Registration Pages?

    OK, so does this sound right? I create an invitation list for each participant type (I don't want the attendees to have to choose what type they are as they will inevitably get it wrong) In each type I select the onsite and virtual registration type ...

  • Hi Tim, Thank you for your response. You create 2 registration types for same name, one for virtual and another for InPerson and create separate paths for each if you wish to display different questions/features for them. So the registration ...

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    RE: Multiple Registration Pages?

    Raashi, Thank you very much. I do know who gets which registration, but I do not know who will be virtual or not (VIP Onsite vs VIP Virtual and Employee Onsite vs Employee Virtual). On the invitation list you can associate a type but not a path. ...

  • Thank you! Very helpful. ------------------------------ Lindsey Isaacson Developer of Client Experiences Israeli American CouncilUnited States ------------------------------

  • Hi Katarina, When using the {[E-MODIFY REG LINK]} data tag in an email, attendees will be prompted to enter in the confirmation number and then it brings them to the post-registration page by default, but they have the option to click on the summary, ...

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    Is it possible to get an invoice for an entire group? Every time I try, it only pulls up the group Leader. #Registration ------------------------------ Al James Vice President of Marketing & Events Philanthropy SouthwestUnited States ----------- ...

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