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  • 1.  Attendee Connections

    Posted 01-31-2023 14:51
    Can someone explain the purpose of attendee connections in the app/hub? From my limited testing, it doesn't really look like there's much functionality. You send a request to someone, they accept, and you're connected-but you don't get any more information about them. You see the same details as you would have had you not connected. Other than keeping a list of people you meet, what is the value of this feature?

    Thanks in advance!

    Krysten Bennett
    Communications & Technology Director
    Ohio Veterinary Medical Association
    United States

  • 2.  RE: Attendee Connections

    Posted 02-01-2023 06:35
    My understanding of this feature is that it is for cross-event networking usage. If you have connected with someone at one event, you'll be able to see if they are in attendance at another event. This requires the events to use the same contact list, of course. I really don't understand the reasoning behind not sharing further contact information, though. That seems like it should be an element of the feature.

    Tori Martinez
    Event Technology Specialist
    Direct TravelUnited States