Hi Julia,
Thank you, I will give this a try!
Jessica Watt
Ten Thousand HoursUnited Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 11-16-2023 13:43
From: Julia Plymack
Subject: Capturing country code
Hi Jessica,
Within Admin > General > Custom Fields > Custom Contact Fields > Create Custom Field, you could try creating a custom contact field for emergency contact number with the type: Open Ended Text - One Line and then for the answer format, select Mobile and then set a minimum number of characters that can be entered in (so the regular number + country code) and set that as the minimum and then a warning message will pop up if someone tries to enter in a number that has fewer characters. You can also instructional text above or below the field to instruct attendees to enter in the country code first. Using Custom Contact Fields
Julia Plymack
Senior Client Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 11-16-2023 07:55
From: Jessica Watt
Subject: Capturing country code
I am wanting to create a question within registration to capture attendees' emergency contact number including country code but am struggling to find a widget that captures both the number and country code.
Jessica Watt
Ten Thousand Hours
United Kingdom