I agree with Jennifer. We've whittled down our invite, and driven more people to the event landing page to hold all of our event information. As far as capitalization - event name/titles, location and dates. Otherwise we don't over capitalize.
I also highly recommend having a decline option, even if it's a public invite - because it allows people to remove themselves for hearing about the event in the future.
Beth Vriesen
Events Registration Admin
Associated Bank Corporation
Original Message:
Sent: 09-20-2022 18:41
From: Mark DeVaughn
Subject: E-Vite Style Guide
As someone versed in print media and AP Style, I'm starving to find a style guide for electronic invitations.
I'm always thinking about these questions:
- What should be capitalized?
- How should an introductory paragraph sound (and how many words should it be?)
- What's the proper timing to send email invites?
Suggestions are welcome. Thank you!
Mark DeVaughn
Senior Communications Specialist
California State RetireesUnited States