Hi Cassandra!
Sometimes this happens when the Abstract site hasn't been published yet since the test mode will show the published version of the website rather that the saved version. As far as the updates not displaying upon clicking preview, its possible that there's a cached version saved on your browser displaying the previous version of the website, but if the issue persists it might be worth exploring other possible causes with the Customer Care team
Terryn MacDonell
Solutions Specialist
Original Message:
Sent: 11-19-2024 15:16
From: Cassandra Ibarra
Subject: My edits and updates are NOT reflected
I've been working in abstract management. I edited a few items in my Project. However, I don't see my edits or updates reflected when I test the project nor do i see the updates when I preview the project.
Any insight?
Cassandra Ibarra
Conference and Special Events Planner
National Louis UniversityUnited States