Have you considered making the symposium an admission item instead of a session bundle? You can charge for the admission item, and then make those sessions only available to attendees who register for that admission item.
Hope this helps,
Jess Olcott
Training Program Coordinator
ETC, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 12-12-2024 16:14
From: Lauren Leavy
Subject: Session Bundles- Not allowing registration outside of the Bundle
I am trying to place a symposium (with 6 activities) within a larger reunion weekend (20+sessions). The symposium is $150, but the activities are "free"/included. My teammate wanted to be able to keep track of who is attending each of the activities by allowing people to check which ones they are interested in. Unfortunately with the Session Bundle option the "free"/included activities for the symposium need to be created as sessions where people could register for them outside of the bundle option. This is not going to work for us.
Any suggestions!
Lauren Leavy
Associate Director
VCU - Office of Development and Alumni Relations (DAR)United States