Happy Wednesday everyone! Let's kickstart with our next edition of the Tip of the Week discussion!
Have you ever sat down to create a survey and realized that every word you use matters? Seriously, your words, question order, and answers shape how each person takes that survey.
For starters, there are five main types of survey questions. Keep in mind that each type of question collects a different type of data.
Open-Ended Questions
This type of question is used to gain more insight into how the respondent feels. These are helpful because the respondent's answer is not based on the researcher's assumptions. These questions are more time-consuming to analyze but provide real feedback.
Example: Do you have anything you would like to share with us?
Multiple Choice Questions
This question type is often used to gather demographic information or to find out about a range of issues. Use these to group people based on what you already know. For instance, if there are only five color choices available and you are polling your attendees on their favorite, only list those five options.
What is your marital status? (Select one)
– Single
– Married
– Divorced
– Separated
Ordinal Scale Questions
Make sure to identify your number scale (1 being the first choice and 5 being the last choice etc.).
When considering a job offer, please rank the importance of the following (Please fill in your rank order using numbers 1 through 5 with 1 being the most important):
– Positive working environment
– Salary
– Benefits
– Vacation time
– Challenging workload
Interval Scale Questions
On an interval scale, it is important that the space between each option, whether it's a number range or a feeling range, are equal. Use these questions when you want to gauge the opinion of your respondents. How do they feel when it's measured out in front of them?
Please rate the quality of this event.
Very Poor | Poor | Satisfactory | Good | Excellent
Ratio Scale Questions
This question type asks respondents to respond in a measurable way. You've likely seen ratio scale questions about income, age, or hours spent.
How many hours a day do you spend on a computer?
0-2 hours/2-4 hours/4-6 hours/more than 6 hours
Question for you:
- Which of the above type you use the most while creating your surveys?
- Share your most-used tip/hack when you create a survey
As always, feel free to drop in your suggestions in the comment section below! #CventTip