Thank you Erica! I was confused when all the changes I was making wasn't showing up in the site design preview, so thought I was doing something wrong.
Al James
VP of Marketing and Events
Philanthropy SouthwestUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-14-2022 09:29
From: Erica Wise
Subject: updating detailed agenda
Hi Al,
When you add the sessions in the back-end they will automatically pull into that session widget on the page. What you see in the designer is just a preview, so not all sessions will pull in there. Is there something specifc you are looking to update? You can always reach out to our Customer Care Team at 866-318-4357, Option 1, as they will be able to help walk you through the different site designer settings.
Thank you!
Erica Wise
Senior Client Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 07-12-2022 10:11
From: Al James
Subject: updating detailed agenda
Rookie here. A contractor built out a conference platform for us, before the breakout sessions were known. I'm now updating those and can't figure out how to edit the Detailed Agenda page. Appreciate any guidance.
Al James
VP of Marketing and Events
Philanthropy SouthwestUnited States