Hi Marisa,
The closest we can get to currently is to have all access in the user role turned off except for under Event > Invitee Management > Invitees turned to Full Access. This does give them access to other data points besides uploading the registrations however, the will also see Internal Information, Hotel/Air Requests, Abandoned Registrations, Uploaded Documents and Awarded Credits.
I am submitting some feedback to our product team to have this action be its own setting on your behalf.
Carl Robinson
Senior Solutions Specialist
Original Message:
Sent: 04-09-2024 02:34
From: Marisa Buys
Subject: User Role to import registrations
HI everyone,
I need to create a user role for 1 x specific event with the only role to import registrations.
Has anyone got this to work?
Marisa Buys
O'vation Audience Relationship TeamSouth Africa