Oh, that is an interesting idea!
I ran into the problem on my first hybrid event that the in-person registration is full, but since there is still room in the virtual registration path, the waitlist will not engage. Anyone trying to register for in-person just gets an error message. I put a note on the registration page that in-person registration is full, but that means there's no way to track a waitlist in case anyone cancels their in-person registration and a spot opens up.
Perhaps an alternate admission item specifically for waitlist, which requires approval prior to acceptance would be a good work around for that issue.
Jess Olcott
Training Program Coordinator
ETC, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2023 16:02
From: Steven Schlossman
Subject: Waitlist Button?
Perhaps a weblink going to a new registration path?
Add: And a new Admission Item.
Steven Schlossman
Jack of all trades. Master of none.
BMW Car Club of America
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2023 14:05
From: Jenny McCann
Subject: Waitlist Button?
Is there a way to create a custom link/custom button to the Waitlist sign up page? I don't like how attendees have to click on Register Now button first (seemingly like it's still open/available) only to THEN get directed to the Waitlist page.
Ideally would like the advise that the Event is full on the homepage without the Registration button anymore - and replace with a custom button to instead to sign up for the Waitlist.
Any other who have done this?
Jenny McCann
Event Coordintor
ALG Vacations CorpUnited States