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crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

  • 1.  crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 03-04-2019 06:33
    What order are the banners displayed? Can it be changed? Can it be random? I don't see a move icon on the banners page that would allow me to move the order manually. I would like to change the order. Too many like banners are displaying back to back because that is the order I created them, but surely there is a way to change that?

  • 2.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-02-2019 22:04
    Edited by Read Only 05-16-2019 18:35
    Hi Jason,

    According to this article (, "NOTE: Banners appear randomly. There is no way to set the order."

  • 3.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-03-2019 13:40
    Edited by Read Only 05-16-2019 18:35
    Since the banners rotate I don't know that it should matter what order they're in. You could make one show up for longer than another if you want.

  • 4.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-03-2019 14:02 They rotate and are randomized. 

  • 5.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-03-2019 15:15
    The rotation is randomized, but you could make some show up for longer time if they are more important.

  • 6.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-03-2019 18:16
    Rotate and random.... not a great design, sorry

  • 7.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-03-2019 20:29
    They are random and rotate, however, if you have a presenting sponsor, i would co-brand your app with their logos to help get them more exposure. Or give them their own navigation icon. 

  • 8.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-03-2019 23:00 They rotate and are randomized. 

  • 9.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-04-2019 13:32
    They are random - this would be great feedback for the product dev team to be able to chang the order.  I believe it's done this way since the amount of time spent on a certain screen is short - randomization allows each banner to get a chance to be seen. 

    For example: if you are a speedy app user, you may never stay on any given screen for more than 5 seconds at any given time.  The banners that appear after 6 seconds will never be seen.

  • 10.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-04-2019 19:54

    Ther banner orders cannot be changed and are random but maybe mess with the timing. Set some to 6 seconds some to 9. See what happens with that. 

    But as others have stated, most users do not stay on a page for more than 6 or so seconds so higher  may not be viewed at all. 

  • 11.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-04-2019 19:56
    As stated above, I think they are just random, but I second that you should let the developers know. They are always open to suggestions and sometimes they get implemented!

  • 12.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-04-2019 23:27
    NOTE: Banners appear randomly. There is no way to set the order

  • 13.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-05-2019 09:50
    Alright, unfollowing this question. I think we're done here.

  • 14.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 04-05-2019 15:54
    The order is random. You can add the banners in a particular order if you need a certain one to appear after the other. One suggestion is to mix up the banner appearances over the course of the event so that attendees see something different.

  • 15.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 07-02-2019 11:24
    You could add duplicates of the same banner if you want it to appear in the rotation more often.

    Katherine Whitehead
    Conference Manager
    ISDA - International Swaps and Derivatives Association

  • 16.  RE: crowdcompass banner, display order, custom or random

    Posted 07-09-2019 13:03
    Crowdcompass banner rotation is totally random but you can change how long the banners are shown!

    Jennifer Ricciuti
    Marketing Coordinator And Graphic Specialist