This article in the KB does a really good job of explaining guest registration types:
https://support.cvent.com/apex/CommunityArticle?id=000063223&Lang=en_US&searchTerm=guest%20registration and this article which explains registration paths:
https://support.cvent.com/apex/CommunityArticle?id=000002323To summarize the article, create a registration type for the guest and create admission items or sessions just for the guest registration type. Putting the guest on a registration path, which can be different then the invitee.
These articles are for FLEX, but the concept is the same for Classic.
Hopefully that helps,
James Rose
James Rose | Senior Web Developer and Content Management
Digital Infrastructure, Implementation, Strategy, and Support
Office of University Development | University of Michigan
Original Message:
Sent: 11-26-2019 13:05
From: Emily Gauger
Subject: Admission Items for Guests with Fees
I am trying to find the best way to add optional guest activities which cost a fee, however the activities are included for the attendee. Anyone have suggestions?
Thank you!
Emily Gauger
Fox World Travel