Hi All,
I really WANT to utilize the Shoulder Dates functionality in the Events tool, but today Cvent Support confirmed that it's an "all or nothing" type of approval.
For example, my program dates are March 23-25 and I've built in shoulder dates for the nights of March 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27 as the contract allows the group rate for these nights. I have someone who requests all of the shoulder dates, but the hotel comes back and says that only the nights of March 21, 22, and 26 are available. If I go into the system, it doesn't give me the option to approve some dates and deny other dates. I can only approve all or deny all.
Does anyone use the shoulder dates feature and how do you get around this and notify the guest as to which dates were successfully approved and which were denied due to availability? If I have to do it all manually, what's the use of this feature? Thanks.
Jill Campbell
Cvent Specialist
Chubb INA Holdings Inc