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Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

  • 1.  Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

    Posted 01-10-2022 16:26
    Is anyone else noticing that with Flex, clearing cache and deleting cookies is required so often to prevent errors/issues? I am clearing my cache multiple times throughout the day because I'm getting "oops something went wrong" or other similar errors. We are also constantly telling our clients and their attendees to clear their cache.  Clearing your cache was rarely the answer to problems when working in Classic.  Why are things getting hung up so frequently?

    Melissa Helbrueck
    Web Producer

  • 2.  RE: Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

    Posted 01-10-2022 16:39

    We are also experiencing this issue, it has to be platform related which I have pointed out to the support when reporting this. I have never experienced the same problem with any other platforms I have been using.

    Kind regards



    Elli Holm

    Marketing Manager | Fastighetsnytt - Technical Product Manager | Bonnier News AB
    112 60 Stockholm, Sweden | Visiting Address: Gjörwellsgatan 30
    Mobile: +46 (0) 70 410 29 15. 

  • 3.  RE: Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

    Posted 01-10-2022 16:42
    We are seeing this as well quite a bit. I want to say it has improved a little bit since FLEX originally came out. Still see this on our end or from customers almost daily.

    Evan Ring
    Senior Operations Manager
    Dow Jones & Co., Inc

  • 4.  RE: Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

    Posted 01-10-2022 16:49
    I see it more often in testing and retesting. Also in reporting.

    Steven Schlossman
    Jack of all trades. Master of none.
    BMW Car Club of America

  • 5.  RE: Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

    Posted 01-10-2022 17:18
    Edited by Rebecca Yousif 01-10-2022 17:18
    Yes - I just begin my day by clearing my cache and cookies.  It takes a minute or two in the morning but seems to make for a smoother day.  I also seem to notice it may be required more if I am working in the site designer or when building/running lots of reports.

    Rebecca Yousif
    Senior Administrator, Event Technology

  • 6.  RE: Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

    Posted 01-11-2022 09:00
    Yes, yes and yes.  I have raised this as an issue as well.  I also notice that if I'm working in designer or reporting, I will often be "kicked out" of Cvent when I return to the "main" Flex website.  So have to sign in again.

    Heather Payne
    Director, Conference & Event Marketing
    RBC Dominion Securities, Inc.

  • 7.  RE: Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

    Posted 01-11-2022 19:09
    Hi Melissa and everyone else on this thread! 

    Thank you for bringing this feedback to our attention, and apologies for any inconvenience this issue may be causing. We've actually been investigating this issue for a while and rolling out solutions to minimize the need for clearing caches but there are many and varied factors that contribute to this issue arising so we've been tackling these issues as we identify them. 

    What would be super helpful and would expedite a resolution is if you continue to report these issues to our support teams so we have more information when we investigate the root cause of these issues. The information that would be super helpful to us is what steps were you taking before the issue occurred, what page/s are you seeing this issue on, is it happening on the backend of Cvent or on the attendee-facing website? The more information we have, the better we can investigate. 

    Thank you again for bringing this issue to our attention!

    Farah van Caloen
    Senior Manager, Product Marketing

  • 8.  RE: Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

    Posted 01-12-2022 10:48
    This!! We experience this way too often. The solution from Cvent when our registrants are experiencing errors is to always have them clear their cache. This is not a realistic, sustainable solution.

    Stephanie Douglass
    Team Leader, Travel and Event Management
    Edward Jones

  • 9.  RE: Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

    Posted 01-18-2022 11:09
    Edited by Steven Schlossman 01-18-2022 11:12
    Welcome to my morning.

    Interestingly enough, I ran another report with no problem and went back to the report that didn't run, and it worked.
    Could that be the workaround, or just lucky?
    Steven Schlossman
    Jack of all trades. Master of none.
    BMW Car Club of America

  • 10.  RE: Why does everything require clearing cache/deleting cookies?

    Posted 02-29-2024 13:19

    This is an old post, but since the problem still appears to exist on a "maybe-a-little-less-but-still-fairly-regular" basis, I thought I might share a tip that has saved me a lot of heartache! I now use Cvent exclusively in incognito browser windows, and I think I have only gotten an error message twice in the last year. It helps a lot! 

    Tori Martinez, Cvent Certified
    Event Technology Specialist
    Direct Travel
    United States