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Cvent Quarterly Product Updates - Q1 2020

  • 1.  Cvent Quarterly Product Updates - Q1 2020

    Posted 04-20-2020 09:40
    Edited by Daniel Marotta 04-15-2024 16:26

    Below you will find the full list of Q1 2020 Product Updates for #EventCloud. This quarter, we have updates for #Registration, #MeetingsManagement, #CrowdCompass, #OnArrival, #LeadCapture, #Appointments, #CSNAdvertising, and #Passkey.

    Register for our Quarterly Product Update Webinar on May 7th to hear more about these releases and understand how they can support your in-person and virtual event strategy. You'll also get the chance to submit questions live to our Product Managers! 


    Event Management

    *New Flex Release* Post-Registration Payments:
    You can now allow registrants to submit a payment after registration. For events with fees and a merchant account, a submit payment button is defaulted on the payment page.

    *New Flex Release* Add Session to Calendar: You can turn on a new setting in the Calendar widget that allows attendees to download individual sessions, or the event as a whole, to their calendar.

    *New Flex Release* Group Flights: You can now use the new Group Flight widget to reserve multiple seats on one flight as a "block," much like you can do for hotels. You can then manage which guests get to reserve these pre-booked flights. To set this up, you must have already booked the fight outside of Cvent, then the registrants will sign up and pay (if applicable) as a part of their event registration. Unlike Classic events, this allows registrants to pick outbound and return flights for themselves and their guests in a single process.

    *New Flex Release* Roommate Self-Matching: You can now make roommate matching easier by allowing registrants to choose for themselves based on check-in/check-out dates, gender, and preferences.

    *New Flex Release* Attendee List: You can now add the Attendee List widget to your event website, which you can customize to display both standard and custom contact fields. Along with the Attendee List, you can add the Attendee List Opt-Out widget to registration pages, allowing registrants to choose if they'd like to appear on the list and allow other attendees to be able to email them.

    *New Flex Release* Partial Registration: You can now enable partial registration, which allows your invitees to automatically save their registration progress and continue it at a later date. Partial registration has to be resumed within 7 days or the progress is lost.

    *New Flex Release* Pop-Up Window Styling: You can now customize the pop-up windows that appear in Flex events to match your event brand. To do this, go to the "Pop-Up Windows" menu option in the Theme Panel of any new or existing Flex event.

    *New Flex Release* Limit Registration by IP Address or Email Domain: You can now limit who can register for your event by IP address or email domain at the Registration Path level. You can limit registration by a specific IP address, only allow certain email domains to register, or even block certain email domains.

    *New Flex Release* Registration Progress Bar: You can now add a progress bar to your registration process. Progress is calculated based on the number of pages the registrant has completed out of the total number of registration path pages. There are four different progress bar designs to choose from.

    *New Flex Release* Invitation Lists Privacy for Registration Paths: The privacy options for the registration process have been enhanced at the registration path level. You can now limit who can register based on specific invitation lists.

    *New Flex Release* Fees Widget: You can now place the new Fees widget on your website pages to show invitees the prices of admission items and sessions before they register for them. The fees that are shown to the invitee are based on the contact registration type.

    *New Flex Release* Flex-Passkey Enhancement: Users will now be redirected to the Cvent registration confirmation page after confirming their room bookings in Passkey.

    *New Flex Release* Regret Survey Weblink for Unknown Invitees: A new weblink for your regret survey is now available under Promotion & Communication > Weblinks. This allows you to collect responses from people who can't attend the event and weren't sent an invitation directly. The link can be shared on the event website, external sites, or wherever you need the link to live.

    *New Flex Release* Copying Email Content: You can now copy content from one email to another in your Flex events. From an existing setting in the email creation page, you can choose any other email in the event to copy, then open the designer to customize your email further. This allows you to quickly redesign existing emails rather than start from a blank email.

    Support for One-China Policy: We now categorize Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao as regions of China. We have updated the default text values for the Country field in Event Registration to the following: Taiwan (Republic of China), Hong Kong (China), and Macao (China).

    Support for California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) on Contact Websites: The state of California has introduced new legislation, effective January 1, 2020, which provides your registrants with more control over how their personal information is used. To help your organization comply with CCPA, you can now use your contact websites to collect registrants' requests related to the usage of their information.


    Cvent Salesforce App – Version 4.0


    We're excited to announce the launch of the Cvent Salesforce App Version 4.0! This release brings a new look and feel to the App, as well as significant improvements to the underlying architecture of our integration. These technology upgrades are now compatible with Salesforce Shield Encryption and give you more granular control over who has access to event data within the App. 

    With this release, you will now be able to sync more contact and event fields between systems and create reports that combine attendee data with other Salesforce data. We have also added new ways to link events with your Salesforce campaigns, including the ability to sync data from a past date and filter campaign members before sending event invitations. For a full overview of all new features and functionality, reach out to your Account team for additional details. 

    Enterprise / Meetings Management


    Meeting Request Forms (New) 

    Section Visibility Logic:
     You can now control Section Visibility logic for your Meeting Request Forms, which allows you to hide or show specific sections of the MRF based on responses from previous questions and fields.

    Page Visibility Logic: This allows you to hide or show pages of a Meeting Request Form based on the user's responses to previous questions.

    Budget Estimate: You can now include a Budget Estimate widget on the new meeting request form. This widget connects directly to the event budget and allows the requester to add estimated budget data. The data then flows into the event budget when the event is created, which streamlines the process for the meeting planner.

    SMM Notifications to Update a Request Status: You can now set up SMM notifications to automatically update a request status when it is edited via the "Edit Link" data tag.

    Custom Fonts: You can now upload custom fonts in the form designer.

    Reporting Tags: Any reporting tags added to questions in the form designer will display in your reports.

    Meeting Room Requirements Widget Enhancements: You can now change the background color of the Meeting Room Requirements widget, and an enhancement has been made so the calendar icon won't go outside the date box.

    Meeting Request Form Migrations: The MRF migration now supports migrating legacy forms with consent questions and auto-increment custom fields. For more information on migrating your MRFs and to understand resources available to you, reach out to your Cvent Account Team.


    Access Portal 

    Account User Role Permissions
    : The permissions for "Create and Delete Portals, Users, and User Groups" have been broken out into separate settings to offer more flexibility when assigning user role permissions.

    Portal Permissions: Portal permissions, such as "Add Users" and "Publish Content", are supported at the portal-level. These settings are no longer restricted to account-level configuration.

    Guest vs. Managers: In portal administration, users with portal manager permissions are now separated from the portal guests, who only have the permission to log into the portal. This is only a design change to make the distinction between portal guests and managers more intuitive.

    New Sort and Filter Option for Portal Users: You can now filter and sort by "recently added" to help locate users that were recently created.

    Custom Fonts: Access Portal now support custom fonts.

    Access Portal User Groups: You can now see which users are in each Access Portal user group from the "associated users" button on the Access Portal user group page.

    Manage Content Access: You can now view all of the content that a specific portal guest or manager has access to by clicking on their name in the Guest or Manager tab. You can also update their content access from that same screen.



    Use Email Address for Multi-Factor Authentication:
     You can now let your account users use their email addresses for multi-factor authentication (MFA) when logging into Cvent.

    Updates for Answer Replacement Feature: You can now easily replace answers to a custom event field across your account. Your new answer will be reflected in all meeting request forms and events that had the previous answer. This saves you from having to make updates individually and also helps ensure the new answers are consistent.

    Updates to Citi InControl Virtual Cards: You can now link multiple Citi Card InControl accounts to Cvent and let planners request virtual cards across your different geographical regions. This gives planners within your account the flexibility to use virtual cards for events in different countries and currencies.

    Card Integration Multiple Approval Notifications: For your Citi or Amex Card integration, you can now create multiple email notifications for virtual card approvals. This enables you to have different notifications routed to different reviewers based on criteria you define (including: card spending limit, associated billing account, client defined fields). 


    Online Event Guide (OEG) Webcast Links for Virtual Events: 
    This is a special release to you if you're adopting the Online Event Guide (OEG) for your virtual events. Due to COVID-19, we want to quickly provide a way for you to host virtual meetings (webcasts), so we added the ability for you to link your attendees to a virtual meeting space from within the OEG. We added a new webcast section to the EventCenter sessions page, where you can set up your link to a 3rd party video conferencing tool, such as WebEx or Zoom. If your webcast has a password, they can also add that under this new section, so it will display alongside the URL in the app for attendees. This is one of the many ways Cvent is standing with our customers to help them through this trying time.

    Added 'Share Your Thoughts' section to the Dynamic Event Guide: For events using the Dynamic Event Guide, we've added a new 'Share Your Thoughts' section that gives attendees access to a full list of the overall event and session surveys applicable to them. Follow these instructions to set up this feature in your event.

    Simplified Attendee Privacy Settings: We've simplified the options so attendees now only need to manage one privacy setting, allowing them to choose from a Visible or Hidden profile.

    Linking Surveys and Polls to Push Notifications: When creating push notifications, you can now link a CrowdCompass survey or poll to your message. This feature works with general surveys and polls that are not associated to a session.

    Improved Schedule Engagement in the Dynamic Event Guide: To help attendees more easily access their personalized agenda in the Dynamic Event Guide, the Schedule button now opens to the My Schedule tab instead of the All Sessions tab when tapped. Additionally, when the Up Next section prompts an attendee to start building their agenda, tapping the "Plan your day" button will now direct them to the All Sessions tab so they can view all the available sessions at the event.

    Custom Fields on Attendee Profiles: Custom fields now appear on attendee detail pages for attendees that have visible profiles. Custom fields can be searched for on the attendee list, so we want to reflect this information when attendees go to each other's profiles in order to demonstrate why certain attendees came up in search results. These fields include introductory fields, bio, website, and additional fields. Custom fields set under address, phone, or email will never show up, even on visible profiles. 

    Onsite Solutions – OnArrival

    OnArrival User Permissions:
    This feature allows you to restrict access to areas of the OnArrival app within user roles. Examples of limited access include accessing attendee lists, attendee details, check-in & new registration workflows. This feature would commonly be used to prevent temporary staff from directly editing attendee contact information and only allowing simple check-in functionality.

    Kiosk Mode Dashboard (OnArrival iOS): You can now access additional options in kiosk mode under the Admin menu. These options include: viewing your battery life, printer and internet connection status, and the ability to sync new attendees and check-ins.

    Portrait or Landscape Layout (OnArrival iOS): Portrait and landscape mode are now both available for OnArrival for iPads in both kiosk and admin mode.

    NFC Encoding (OnArrival iOS): OnArrival now supports the ability to encode NFC enabled badges & stickers after print. Supported tags include NTAG 213, 215 & 216. When checking into the event, attendees will be prompted to tap their badge to attached NFC encoder on the kiosk for a quick & intuitive check in experience. 

    Onsite Solutions – LeadCapture

    NFC Support & Scan Flow Updates: This enhancement now supports NFC scanning for iOS devices which was previously only supported for Android. We have also updated the scan flow to allow users to select their preferred method to scan leads for their device. Scan options include Camera (QrCode), Business Card scanning, Manual entry & NFC support.

    Onsite Solutions – Exhibitor Management

    Custom Exhibitor Emails Phase I (Flex Events Only): This release allows you to customize current exhibitor email 'From' information, content, and themes in the same manner as Event Emails. The current customizable exhibitor emails in this release include the Initial Welcome, Welcome Reminder, Access Code for App Only, Access code for Rental Device, and Download Leads emails.

    Sponsorship Levels: You can now create your own sponsorship levels and associate them to exhibitors/sponsors for their event. By tagging and associating exhibitors with these levels, it makes it easier to group them. Going forward, other products will be able to use these levels to uniquely position sponsors & exhibitors for improved brand awareness.


    Table Assignments:  Tables can now be automatically assigned to appointments. This includes appointments that attendees book on their own behalf in a generic location, such as a Conference Hall. Table assignments will take into consideration the table capacity and the number of attendees in the appointment. Emails and schedules containing location information will now include the table assignment.


    Basic Feedback Surveys for Flex Events


    Auto-Send Emails After Survey is Completed: Emails can now be automatically sent after the invitee or guest completes a session feedback survey. This allows you to send session completion certificates after the survey is taken, which may help boost survey response rates.

    • Note: If multiple sessions are associated with the email, the invitee or guest will receive a survey completion email after each session survey is complete.

    Premium Feedback Surveys for Flex Events

    Auto-Send Emails After Survey is Completed: Emails can now be automatically sent after the invitee or guest completes a session feedback survey. This allows you to send session completion certificates after the survey is taken, which may help boost survey response rates.

    • Note: If multiple sessions are associated with the email, the invitee or guest will receive a survey completion email after each session survey is complete.

    Matrix Multi-Select Question: The matrix question in Surveys has been enhanced to support multiple answer selections. Now, you can set up the question to allow respondents to select multiple choices per category.


    Non-Event Surveys in Surveys (New)

    Private Surveys:
    You can now restrict who can take a survey by making it private. When a survey is private, only members in the invitation list can take the survey. Respondents taking the survey via a generic weblink will have to provide their identity information before taking the survey, where respondents accessing the survey via a Cvent email link will be able to skip the identity confirmation.

    Expire Survey Invitations: You can now set the survey invitations to expire after a certain time. To extend this expiration time, you can send another survey invite email or a reminder email with a new expiration time. When the expiration time is left blank, respondents will be allowed to take the survey until it's closed.

    Matrix Multi-Select Question: The matrix question in Surveys has been enhanced to support multiple answer selections. Now, you can set up the question to allow respondents to select multiple choices per category.

    Collect Contact Information in the Survey: You can now collect or display the respondent's contact information in the survey. Contact and custom contact fields can be added as optional or required fields. Any information entered by the respondent will be stored in the address book and can be used in question or chapter logic in the survey.

    Certificates: Certificates are now available in Surveys (New). You can create certificates to put on the survey's "Thank You" page or send out via email. You can use data tags to include contact information, respondent's answers to survey questions, and survey scores to personalize the certificate. Respondents will be able to download a PDF version of the certificate. 

    Cvent Supplier Network (Planner-side)

    Update to Meeting Packages and Total Costs:
     You can now request meeting package information from the "Event Requirements" tab. This lets you share your pricing preferences with venues. To see the changes, go to Suppliers > Manage RFPs > Event Requirements.

    Proposal Updates: When viewing a proposal, you will now see:

    • Total Guest Room Cost displayed above the guest room grid
    • Whether or not Guest Room and Meeting Package Rates include tax
    • Whether or not Guest Room Rates include breakfast
    • Which portions of the proposal taxes are applicable to

    Multiple Commissions: You will not be able to define commission for multiple items in the RFP. You will see open text fields that allow you to define what items you want your commission rate to be applicable to, for example; F&B, accommodations and meeting packages. Venues will be able to include itemized commission information in their proposal based on your requests.

    Passkey (Planner-side)

    Modern Layout for Public Booking Site: The Modern Layout is now available to all Passkey customers. This layout offers clean and consistent styling across the entire booking flow, "hero image" support for the splash page, improved usability for the reservation editing workflow, and improved accessibility.

    "Back to Registration" Support for Attendee Booking Website: We added new functionality to certain Passkey APIs so Attendee Booking Website users can be automatically redirected to another site after they complete their reservation. For example, we can now return attendees to their registration site where both registration and hotel reservation details can be viewed together. The below diagram shows the basic flow.

    New and Updated Hotel Welcome Emails: New Hotel Welcome Emails have been added with clearer instructions under Libraries → Communications. The default audience is "Integrated" hotels, or hotels that currently use Passkey. We also updated the general notification email, the reservation notification email, and the Hotel Welcome Email for non-integrated hotels. These emails will also be available for Citywide events. To use the new emails, you need to either add a new email campaign or copy the new email content into your existing emails. As a best practice, you should update their email content in the Library. That way, all future email campaigns will include the updated wording.

    New Custom Message on Guest Deck: Under Event Website → Customize Messages, you can now write a special message (up to 100 characters, translatable) that appears on the Modern Layout guest deck. The default message is "Thank you for booking!", but this can be customized.

    Business Transient (Demand-side)

    Hotel Directory Redesign: The Hotel Directory product had a complete redesign. Hotel Directory is a secure online directory which allows travelers to search and view the approved list of hotel suppliers accepted through the hotel RFP process. The updated directory includes a new search results page, a new property profile, a new quick view, and a new comparison view of properties. It also is translated in 17 languages, up from 6 in the previous version. 



    Interactive Filters:
     All of the multi-select dropdowns have been updated to support dropdown lists of more than 1,000 items. If you're looking through a list that has more than 1,000 items, you can use the search box to quickly find what you need from the list.

    Publish to Access Portal:
     On the report list page, "published" pills will now appear next to reports that have been published to Access Portal.

    Saved Report Visibility: You can now update the visibility settings of your saved reports directly from the report list page.

    Exporting Enhancements: When exporting a report, it's now possible to see the size of the file and how long it will take to complete downloading.

    Individual Permissions for Secure Reporting Fields: Get even more granular control over who can see sensitive information in your reports. We've enhanced the "Secure Reporting Fields" permission with the ability for you to individually select which secure fields each user role can view.

    • Current secure fields: ADA Accessible, Credit Card Number, Date of Birth, National ID, Passport Number, Social Security Number


    Register for our Quarterly Product Update Webinar on May 7th to hear more about these releases and understand how they can support your in-person and virtual event strategy. You'll also get the chance to submit questions live to our Product Managers! 



    Cvent Official - Product News