Hi Drew,
With our API Integration and Speaker objects, we can pull data out of Cvent, but we unfortunately cannot populate/import data into the Cvent speaker profiles. This is a great suggestion for the future, and you can feel free to post any product feedback or ideas in the Ideation section of the Cvent Community.
Danni Czark
Lead Client Success Advisor
Original Message:
Sent: 01-29-2020 18:37
From: Drew Norman
Subject: Linkedin Integration for speakers data and pics
Hello Community
This may be more of a wish list item but I will ask now. Is there a way to pull in speakers photo and bio via a Linkedin API?
As I am creating my speakers I am basically copying and pasting their stuff from Linked in I know with privacy and stuff its probably hard to make this happen but you guys decide if it sounds like a cool feature. Especially events when you have 50-100 speakers.
Drew Norman
Camunda Services GmbH