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Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

  • 1.  Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 03-31-2020 18:28
    Edited by Kameron Kidd 01-18-2024 14:16
    Greetings Cvent Community,

    In times like these, it's more important than ever to support and connect with each other. To help provide a space to for like-minded meeting and event professionals we are starting a 'Higher Education a Birds of a Feather' discussion thread here in the Community.

    A few questions below are provided to spark discussions. Jump in at any time if you have any other questions for your Higher Education peers!

    To get started, copy the questions below, click reply, paste the questions, and provide your responses.

    • What institution do you work for?
    • Where are you located?
    • What is your role?
    • I want to connect with people who ___________ (fill in the blank).
    • What are the types of meetings/events you typically host or organize and how are you handling your events over the next few months? (alumni, fundraising, commencement, summer camps, continuing education, etc.)
    • What's the most creative experience you've seen or hosted at an event?
    • What is one key idea or takeaway you'd tell your higher ed peers they shouldn't miss when using Cvent?

    We are also excited to be hosting our very first #virtualhappyhour for higher ed, tomorrow, Wednesday, April 1st, 5-6pm local time. Register now to participate.

    PARTICIPATION NOTE: If you reply to the discussion you are automatically "following" the discussion. Following a discussion means you will get an email anytime someone replies. The star will be red if you are following the discussion, to unfollow click the star and it should turn blue.

    Jen Maltba
    Marketing Manager
    Cvent Marketing Department (Contacts)

  • 2.  RE: Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 04-01-2020 18:53
    Great idea! Sorry I wasn't able to join the virtual happy hour. Maybe next time...

    Laurel Ragaller
    Eller Executive Education

  • 3.  RE: Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 04-02-2020 09:04
    Edited by Kameron Kidd 01-18-2024 14:13
    This is a great idea. I wish I could have attended the happy hour. 

    • What institution do you work for? University of  Texas at Austin
    • Where are you located? Austin Texas 
    • What is your role? Cvent Administrator 
    • I want to connect with people who ___________ (fill in the blank). Everyone
    • What are the types of meetings/events you typically host or organize and how are you handling your events over the next few months? (alumni, fundraising, commencement, summer camps, continuing education, etc.) All of the above. We help train users on campus and guild them on their events. 
    • What's the most creative experience you've seen or hosted at an event? My favorite is at Cvent Connect 
    • What is one key idea or takeaway you'd tell your higher ed peers they shouldn't miss when using Cvent? Double check the colors on the pop-up windows on the site designer. It is usually the last thing that we think about. 


  • 4.  RE: Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 04-02-2020 11:48
    • What institution do you work for? University of Texas at Austin
    • Where are you located? Austin, TX
    • What is your role? Cvent Administration - Business Manager
    • I want to connect with people who _Share their license across multiple departments/users/purposes___ (fill in the blank).
    • What are the types of meetings/events you typically host or organize and how are you handling your events over the next few months? (alumni, fundraising, commencement, summer camps, continuing education, etc.)  various
    • What's the most creative experience you've seen or hosted at an event?   Cirque du Soleil as lunchtime entertainment - Connect 2017
    • What is one key idea or takeaway you'd tell your higher ed peers they shouldn't miss when using Cvent?  external: Connect,  internal: User Groups

    Lisa Nault
    Cvent Contract Administrator
    The Commons Learning Center at The University of Texas at Austin

  • 5.  RE: Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 04-03-2020 06:59
    Edited by Daniel Marotta 03-01-2023 09:38
    • What institution do you work for?  Cornell University - Dairy Management
    • Where are you located? Ithaca, NY
    • What is your role? Conference Coordinator
    • I want to connect with people who implement Cvent as their event management system on a departmental level.
    • What are the types of meetings/events you typically host or organize and how are you handling your events over the next few months? (alumni, fundraising, commencement, summer camps, continuing education, etc.) Our group has a large statewide extension program and we host conferences, smaller meetings, online courses, and webinars.  Our previously scheduled events over the next several months will be virtual.  This "pause" is also providing us with the opportunity to think about what programming we are offering and how we offer it.
    • What's the most creative experience you've seen or hosted at an event? Beer and wine mixer at lunch
    • What is one key idea or takeaway you'd tell your higher ed peers they shouldn't miss when using Cvent?  Build your relationships - both in support and networking!

    Thanks for doing this,  Jen!

    Heather Darrow
    Conference Coordinator
    Cornell University - Department Of Animal Science

  • 6.  RE: Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 04-09-2020 15:28
    • What institution do you work for? Georgia Southern University
    • Where are you located? Statesboro, Georgia
    • What is your role? Marketing Coordinator for The Division of Continuing Education
    • I want to connect with people who are interesting and creative with the ways they use Cvent.
    • What are the types of meetings/events you typically host or organize and how are you handling your events over the next few months? (alumni, fundraising, commencement, summer camps, continuing education, etc.) We host conferences and professional/personal development classes that are non credit bearing. We are exploring options to move them all online.
    • What's the most creative experience you've seen or hosted at an event? We had a rooster attend one of our events once! Saw him strutting through the hallway! 
    • What is one key idea or takeaway you'd tell your higher ed peers they shouldn't miss when using Cvent? Keep exploring! There's always something new to implement and learn how to use with Cvent.

    Amy Jones
    Assistant Conference and Event Coordinator and Marketing
    Georgia Southern University Division of Continuing Education

  • 7.  RE: Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 04-10-2020 16:19
    I love this idea! It is great to connect with you all this way. 

    • What institution do you work for? The University of Texas at Austin
    • Where are you located? Austin, TX
    • What is your role? Manager for Conference and Event Services (through University Housing and Dining)
    • I want to connect with people who ___________ (fill in the blank). Have ideas on how venue event managers can offer virtual resources to campus partners
    • What are the types of meetings/events you typically host or organize and how are you handling your events over the next few months? (alumni, fundraising, commencement, summer camps, continuing education, etc.) We host any campus department events and conferences, so we see a range of academic, awards, trainings, athletics, etc. We unfortunately have had to cancel events in our space through May 1st, and are anticipating this to extend through at least some of our summer conferences as well.  
    • What's the most creative experience you've seen or hosted at an event? We had a group from the library on campus host a literary technology art exhibit with interactive pieces that people were very excited about. It was very neat to see technology and literature come together!
    • What is one key idea or takeaway you'd tell your higher ed peers they shouldn't miss when using Cvent? Look at all of the different services that Cvent has to offer. There were far more than I realized originally!

    Rachel Cohen-Ford
    Manager For Conference And Event Services
    The Commons Learning Center at The University of Texas at Austin

  • 8.  RE: Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 04-13-2020 16:03
    This is a great idea.  I too wish I had mafe it to the virtutal happy hour - it should definitely be something this group does again.

    • What institution do you work for? LSU
    • Where are you located? Baton Rouge, LA
    • What is your role? Cvent admin
    • I want to connect with people who ___________ (fill in the blank). people who are using Cvent ina creative ways
    • What are the types of meetings/events you typically host or organize and how are you handling your events over the next few months? (alumni, fundraising, commencement, summer camps, continuing education, etc.) we use it for continuing education events, alumni events, our k-12 arm uses it for summer camps, sporting event ticket sales, and arts performances.  Over the next few months, LSU has canceled all face-to-face events.  We are looking at virtual events but none planned currently.
    • What's the most creative experience you've seen or hosted at an event?
    • What is one key idea or takeaway you'd tell your higher ed peers they shouldn't miss when using Cvent? use the resources in the community.  Also, if you get stuck don't waste too much time - reach out to support.  The support folks are amazing!

    Vickie King
    Associate Director for Annual Giving and Alumni Relations
    College of Human Sciences & Education - Louisiana State University

  • 9.  RE: Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 04-13-2020 16:12
    • What institution do you work for? NLU
    • Where are you located? Illinois 
    • What is your role? Administrative assistant/event coordinator
    • I want to connect with people who run conferences or professional development opportunities.
    • What are the types of meetings/events you typically host or organize and how are you handling your events over the next few months? (alumni, fundraising, commencement, summer camps, continuing education, etc.) Conference and smaller workshops for professional development
    • What's the most creative experience you've seen or hosted at an event? None
    • What is one key idea or takeaway you'd tell your higher ed peers they shouldn't miss when using Cvent? use the event app if you have a larger event it is great.

    Jennifer Batson
    Administrative Assistant
    National Louis University

  • 10.  RE: Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 04-13-2020 16:29

    As a follow up for those who mentioned missing the previous happy hour, we just opened registration for our next live virtual Mix & Meet this Thursday, April 16th. You can view the list of regions and times of the virtual meetups on the global Mix and Meet event page.

    Jodi Meier
    Online Community Manager

  • 11.  RE: Birds of a Feather: Higher Education

    Posted 04-20-2020 08:21
    • What institution do you work for? William & Mary 
    • Where are you located? Williamsburg, VA
    • What is your role? Associate Director of Events
    • I want to connect with people who build complex events for higher education institutions in Flex (fill in the blank).
    • What are the types of meetings/events you typically host or organize and how are you handling your events over the next few months? (alumni, fundraising, commencement, summer camps, continuing education, etc.) In Cvent, we typically host multi-day, multi-session events like Homecoming, Reunion Weekend, Charter Day, and Symposiums. Most of our events have been postponed or we are downsizing the scale to be cognizant of financial stress many of our donors and alumni are under during this time.
    • What's the most creative experience you've seen or hosted at an event? The interactive happy hour/party displays at Connect.
    • What is one key idea or takeaway you'd tell your higher ed peers they shouldn't miss when using Cvent? Utilizing registration paths and types to customize the registration process for different categories of attendees.

    Virginia Early
    Assistant director of events
    William & Mary Foundation