So - my understanding is that there are a number of ways to copy an existing Flex event - and it can depend on when it was created - pre or post the launch of the new experience. So here's what I've discovered. Our events created in Flex pre-new experience launch do not appear in the search box that you get to by clicking More Options from the Events landing page and following that search path. Only those events we have created post new experience appear. And as previously mentioned - you can't copy events from Classic.
If you do a general search for your event and see it in the event list, there COULD be a small icon beside the name that looks like 2 pieces of paper. If you click that you can duplicate (aka copy) the event. Not all will show this icon.
Confusing - a little.
Heather Payne
Director, Conference & Event Marketing
RBC Dominion Securities, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-27-2021 11:15
From: Lori Kalscheuer
Subject: Creating new event by copying a past event
Am I missing something with the latest updates? When I go to create a new event, and select that I want to copy from an existing event, none of my other events show up as options. Anyone else running into this?
Lori Kalscheuer
Wisconsin Bankers Association