@Marisa Targonski's solution will work if you are using the Cvent's Hotel Request form in Hotel Accommodations. But if you have a totally separate hotel booking process, I'd use Internal fields. When I get a reconciled list of who has booked housing (i.e. a Passkey report that shows email address), I use the Internal Info Field upload form to record check-in date, check-out date (these are baked-in fields in Cvent) and the hotel confirmation number. You can do an advanced filter to look for those contacts for whom an Internal Info field is empty. You can simplify the internal info field to "Has hotel?" and it could be YES or empty, or Yes or No. Just filter in "yes." That's how you can bulk email those that don't have hotel rooms yet and you aren't using the Hotel Accommodations Cvent form.
Brenda Ainsburg
Channel Program Manager
brenda.ainsburg@siemens.comSiemens Aktiengesellschaft
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2020 19:14
From: Miranda Allen
Subject: Sending emails to certain lists
Does anyone know of a way to group certain attendees into a "list" to send a specific communication email through Cvent? I want to send a housing reminder only to those that have not booked a guestroom in our block yet, but I don't see a way to "suppress" certain attendees or create a group to send to without manually checking/unchecking from the list of attendees every time.
Miranda Allen
Event Operations Manager