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Product Release: RFP Showcase for DMOs

  • 1.  Product Release: RFP Showcase for DMOs

    Posted 08-03-2020 14:02

    Cvent Community - Check out the latest #CventSupplierNetwork product update! 


    Cvent Supplier Network


    Cvent recently opened the RFP Showcase to #DMOs!

    The showcase is where a planner can "opt in" to have their RFP featured, and DMOs can proactively look through these RFPs and bid on the ones that are a good fit for their destination and venue partners.


    DMOs, can use the RFP Showcase to look out for more group business opportunities in the metro area and notify qualifying venues to submit bids.


    Planners, let interested and responsive venues and DMOs search for you by posting your business to the RFP Showcase. Expand your # venue sourcing and lean on the DMO's expertise to successfully find the perfect venue!


    Venues, proactively find and bid on high value RFPs from planners who are undecided on where they want to host their event. These are RFPs that were not sent directly to your venue. You can even add someone to just receive showcase emails.


    Want to know more? Check out the following helpful link:

    Bidding on RFPs from the RFP Showcase (Venues)

    Posting Your RFP to the Showcase (Planners)

    Managing Showcase Leads as a CVB (DMOs)


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    Cvent Official - Product News