After 20 years in the business, well, I really think there aren't any great sites. We all have crazy long checklists, so it's always a balancing act between what you need to know from a potential client verses all that you want to know. Plus, there's the industry that you serve that comes into play too! I do University events, so my request forms would seem very specific to my small corner of the industry. These guys have a simple form, but it hits the pertinent areas:
Jacqueline C. Ward, CMP
Director, Continuing Legal Education & Special Events, UNC-Chapel Hill
Original Message:
Sent: 08-07-2019 13:52
From: Marnie Oswald
Subject: Meeting Request Form Examples/Meeting Request Website
Hi -
I am looking for some examples of fantastic Meeting Request Forms and Meeting Request Websites. Any assistance is appreciated!
Marnie Oswald
Manager, Global Congresses & Meetings
CSL Behring