However, It will not tell you WHAT is updated (Added / Modified / Cancelled) since when you last run the report.
We will often add "Date Last Modified" to the report to help the planners figure out what's changed.
Henk Hassett
Event Project Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 10-27-2021 15:18
From: Beverly Glass
Subject: saved reports
That is correct. As long as you save the report into the Saved Reports section and have all of the data marked that you want to add in your repot, you will see that running it time and time again will populate the most current data each time. :)
Beverly Glass
Events and Member Programs Specialist
Original Message:
Sent: 10-27-2021 13:06
From: Kimberly Abell
Subject: saved reports
Hi - When you save a report, when you go back into run an updated report, I'm assuming it picks up the updates since the last report, correct???
Kimberly Abell
Lead Exec Assistant
Leidos Holdings, Inc.