I use this as my confirmation email.
Dear {[C-FIRST NAME]},
Your registration has been confirmed. Please save this email for future reference.
Event: {[E-TITLE]}
Attending: {[C-FIRST NAME]} {[C-LAST NAME]}
Guest names: {[G-GUEST NAMES]}
Location: {[E-LOCATION]}
Confirmation Number: {[C-CONFIRMATION NUM]} (required for changes)
{[E-MY REG LINK:Click here]} to view/modify your registration.
Cancellation Policy
Full refund less registration fee up until Sept 15, 2019.
Current Registration:
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Questions? See the {[E-CUSTOM TAG:CONTACTUS]} page.
Steven Schlossman
Jack of all trades. Master of none.
BMW Car Club of America
Original Message:
Sent: 11-05-2019 17:53
From: Mariah Harden
Subject: Cancelling/modifying registration
When a guest wants to cancel or modify their registration, can they do so by accessing their confirmation email? I have only been able to add the cancel/modify buttons to the confirmation page that pops up after they are done registering but I can't seem to locate them on the email confirmation they receive.
Thank you!
Event Planner