Community Chatbot

Say hello to Valerie

Your personal 24/7 product support virtual assistant.

From product knowledge, to support, and status, Valerie is here for you. Here are some tips to help optimize your chat experience!

Be descriptive

The more information you provide Valerie, the better her solution will be.

For example, instead of:
"Attendee Hub exhibitor portal"

"How do I set up my Exhibitor Management portal for Attendee Hub?"

Be confident

Don't worry about selecting the wrong products or providing incorrect information. Valerie is here to help and will work with you until your challenge is resolved.

If you choose the wrong product, click into the menu at the top and select 'Main Menu' to start over. Or, type "start over" into the chat.

Be conversational

Feel free to be casual or professional – Valerie is here to match your energy and help with any Cvent questions!

If you have feedback for how the chat bot responds, we'd love to hear your feedback by leaving a comment in the "Your New Virtual Assistant" blog post.

View blog post

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