Hi Jill,
Scheduling Your Reports walks you through how to schedule reports but this is only for you/your username to receive email notifications whenever a scheduled report has run and is ready to review. It will not be sent to other users.
If you would like other people in your organization to receive an email notification, the recommended solution is to set up an access portal and publish the reports to the access portal and then you can set up either a one-time or recurring email that links them to the portal to log in and access the reports. The great news is that these people do not need to be set up as account users in order to access the portal. These will walk through exactly how to set this up: Creating an Access Portal or Public Website, Publishing a Report to Access Portals
Julia Plymack
Senior Customer Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 05-17-2024 12:01
From: Jill Blimline
Subject: Can you E-mail Your Custom Saved Reports to others
hello- I am building reports and thought back in the day we could schedule them to be emailed to others in your organization. Is that still a thing?
Jill Blimline
Deputy Director of Public Affairs
National Air Traffic Controllers Association