Hi Amelia,
I added something similar to this to the Idea Center earlier this year. The co-author widget is SO limiting! Within that widget itself you can ONLY put contact fields. And ironically, even though 'Biography' is shown as a contact field, it's not recognized as one by the system! You can add questions outside of the co-author widget so I have dropped them in after it, but that really isn't a workaround because it doesn't connect them to that co-author in the reports. Also, if you have more than one co-author, the question is only asked once.
Abstract Management is a great tool but it could really use some updates - I encourage you to put something in the Idea Center too. :)
Tori Martinez
Event Technology Specialist
Direct Travel
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 12-20-2023 20:07
From: Amelia Morel
Subject: Co-Author Fields
I added a co-author to the abstract management. All that appears is name, affliation, and email. I would like co-authors to be able to add a profile picture, a biography, and consent to some questions. Is this possible or only for the main author? When I try to add these widgets to the co-author I get an error message and the page will not save or publish.
Amelia Morel
International Dyslexia Association - GAUnited StatesAmeliaMorel