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  • 1.  Creating a custom data tag with an email address?

    Posted 11-04-2024 08:42

    Hello everyone! I love using custom data tags in our events. Is it possible to create a custom data tag with an email address? 


    Kim Abbott [Designation]
    North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation

  • 2.  RE: Creating a custom data tag with an email address?
    Best Answer

    Posted 11-04-2024 08:47

    I figured it out. Thanks! Just had to dig a little deeper in the settings for custom data tags. 

    Kim Abbott [Designation]
    North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation

  • 3.  RE: Creating a custom data tag with an email address?

    Posted 11-04-2024 14:37
    Edited by Abhishek Kapoor 11-04-2024 14:38

    Hi Kim, 

    Yes you can create a custom data tag using an email address at event level and admin level as well.

    Let me know if you still need any help. 

    For any future situations where you need help, you can message me at.
    Abhisek Kapoor
    Cvent Manager
    The Martech WeeklyUnited Kingdom