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  • 1.  Creating a report

    Posted 01-03-2024 10:38

    Good morning,

    i am new to cvent and don't have much experience with the system. I need to create a report for an open/active event, that would capture all of the refunds processed. Is there a way so capture such information?


    Karina Sandoval
    Membership Manager
    Transportation Intermediaries AssociationUnited States

  • 2.  RE: Creating a report
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-04-2024 06:32
    Edited by Daniel Marotta 01-19-2024 10:05

    Hi Karina, I think the Transaction Distribution Details report will get you what you are looking for! However, to get just refunds, you may want to pare it down a little:

    1. Run the report, then click the three ellipses in the upper right and select 'Edit'
    2. Click on the 'Groupings' header and delete all the groupings, then click 'Update'
    3. Go to the 'Filters' button on the far right and click; scroll down to 'Transaction Type' and select 'Online Refund' and 'Offline Refund' (if you had offline refunds), then click 'Apply'

    You should be left with just a list of the refunds that were made that you can save and/or export.

    Hope that helps!

    Tori Martinez
    Event Technology Specialist
    Direct Travel
    United States

  • 3.  RE: Creating a report

    Posted 01-05-2024 09:07

    great, thank you! just one last question, when i click on apply changes will it override the transaction report, i don't want to save or override it?

    Karina Sandoval
    Membership Manager
    Transportation Intermediaries AssociationUnited States

  • 4.  RE: Creating a report

    Posted 01-05-2024 09:32

    When you click on 'Apply', it is just applying the filters so that you are seeing the refunds only. If you are happy with that view, then I would suggest clicking "Save As" from the Actions dropdown in the upper right corner, and you can save all those settings as a Saved Report in the event.

    Tori Martinez
    Event Technology Specialist
    Direct Travel
    United States