Hi Lara,
There are a couple of scenarios where this can happen:
1) They exist and are registered on the attendee list as a guest (using the guest registration feature) with that email address and then they also exist on the attendee list as a primary registrant with that email address (guests and primary registrants are able to have the same email address.)
2) Do you have the contact match key feature turned on for your account where you are matching not just by email address but by first name, last name and email address? If so, if there is any variation in how they entered in their first name or last name on either record, it will create a new contact for each and allow them to be registered for the event with the same email address. Allowing Multiple People to Use the Same Email Address
Julia Plymack
Senior Customer Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 10-04-2024 09:55
From: Lara Nix
Subject: Duplicate Invitees/Registrations
I have an event for which I created an invitation list, imported the invitees, and sent out the invitations. A few weeks later, I was given a few add-ons, so I added them manually. I was not aware that one of the add-ons was already in the invitation list, but when I added her manually, I was not alerted that she was a duplicate. So, she received another invitation email and (I assume) assumed she needed to register again or that her first registration did not go through.
How is it possible that two invitees with the exact same email address could have been added to the invitation list and been able to register twice?
Are the email addresses case-sensitive? That is the only difference I see, but honestly, that should not make a difference.
Lara Nix
Event Operations Coordinator
Enhabit Home Health & HospiceUnited States