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  • 1.  Google Analytics 4

    Posted 08-08-2022 17:49
    It seems like the current version of Google Analytics (GA4) is not supported by CVENT. Like most organizations, all tracking at our company was moved to GA4 since the older version will be sunset and will no longer collect data starting next year. What is the ETA on supporting GA?

    Samantha Barnes
    Sr. Director, Experience Analytics

  • 2.  RE: Google Analytics 4

    Posted 08-09-2022 09:07
    I submitted a case about this recently and only got the response "We are currently looking into it , but there is not timetable yet." 

    It should be possible with a code snippet, but this would require pasting in the javascript linked at as opposed to linking to it. Not ideal.


    Ben Wachtel
    Information Systems Architect
    IIRP Graduate SchoolUnited States

  • 3.  RE: Google Analytics 4

    Posted 01-26-2023 16:00
    Hi Ben, 

    I am running into the same issue and have followed all of the developer hub articles about setting up code snippets or google tag manager to run GA4 on the sites and still am not seeing any data flowing. Were you able to successfully set up code snippets? 

    I called Cvent Support and they continued to point me to the developer hub articles. 

    Any insight you might have is appreciated!!

    Katie Willyerd
    Digital Marketing Technologist
    OMNIA Partners, LLCUnited States

  • 4.  RE: Google Analytics 4

    Posted 03-06-2023 14:15
    Edited by Ben Wachtel 03-06-2023 14:15

    We did manage to get GA4 working with code snippets using this article on using Google Tag Manager from the Cvent developer site:

    I didn't know anything about Google Tag Manager, so there was a bit of a learning curve, but our web developer and I finally got data flowing to GA4. The instructions in that article were OK, but they don't tell you exactly how to set it up on the Google Tag Manager side. You have to create a tag with tag type of "Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration". Ours has a firing trigger for page views for all pages.

    Ben Wachtel
    Information Systems Architect
    IIRP Graduate School
    United States

  • 5.  RE: Google Analytics 4

    Posted 08-11-2022 13:03
    Hi Samantha,

    Unfortunately we do not have an ETA on when we will update to support GA4.

    However, as per the article on Developers Hub "", the working alternative advised is using Code Snippets.

    Megan Clark
    Assistant Team Lead, Online Community Marketing

  • 6.  RE: Google Analytics 4

    Posted 11-29-2022 08:10
    Edited by Daniel Marotta 03-01-2023 09:37
    Is there an update regarding support for GA4?

    And could you advise on how to implement GA4 using Code Snippets?
    Code snippets has a character limit of 5,000 characters. However the raw GA4 code has almost 230,000 characters.
    Since linking to the code is not an option I do not see how to accomplish this. Breaking up all that code into smaller packages is not feasible or advisable.


    Andrei Medina
    Front-End Developer

  • 7.  RE: Google Analytics 4

    Posted 12-05-2022 15:51
    Edited by Kameron Kidd 07-31-2023 15:36

    Hi Andrei,

    Hope you are well.

    I checked this and GA4 is not added using code snippet. There is a small tracking link that is generated using Google Analytics which is added under the event > marketing > weblinks > Google Analytics.

    If you want to use code snippet, then you would need Google Tag Manager for that.

    I hope this helps.

    Raashi Semwal Khati
    Senior Quality Analyst

  • 8.  RE: Google Analytics 4

    Posted 03-06-2023 13:00

    is the new GA4 ID compatible with Cvent's google Tracking ID setting under Weblinks > Google Analytics ?
    The tooltip does not indicate this, and we see it as necessary to use our old GA/UA ID even though we are already in the process of upgrading to GA4.
    Please verify this to confirm your previous reply so others aren't misguided. 

    Joseph Hahn
    Senior Web Developer, Alumni Relations & Development: Digital Communications
    University of Chicago, Alumni Relations and DevelopmentUnited States

  • 9.  RE: Google Analytics 4

    Posted 03-06-2023 15:26
    Edited by Kameron Kidd 07-31-2023 15:44

    Hi Joseph,

    Hope you are well.

    I got this checked and currently, the "Weblinks > Google Analytics" section is not compatible with GA4.

    As of now, the only alternative is using it via code snippet, with the help of Google Tag Manager.

    Also, Cvent can only help with the placement of the code. Cvent does not create the code for you or would be able to check if the code is right or not. For further assistance on this, I would suggest you to contact our HTML team and they will be able to assist you with this coding.

    Additionally, you can also refer to the following article : Does Cvent support Google Tag Manager? = Link :

    I hope this helps.

    Raashi Semwal Khati
    Senior Quality Analyst

  • 10.  RE: Google Analytics 4

    Posted 09-27-2023 16:57

    Is this different now? This says GA-4 is now supported:

    David Blatner
    Creative Pro NetworkUnited States