Thanks for your input. How did your emails distinguish between Accepted and Rejected submissions? For example, consider the following:
Submission 1 is Accepted
Submission 2 is Rejected
Submission 3 is Accepted
Automatic Accepted/Rejected emails are sent to Authors. How can I manual email system be set up so that the appropriate email is sent to co-authors (depending on whether their submission was accepted vs. rejected)?
Also, this is somewhat of a tangent, but if a manual email goes out to co-authors as the audience, if we were to run that same email again, would it go only to new co-authors that hadn't yet received the email or would it go out to all co-authors in the system every time it is run?
Joshua Kumin
University Of ColoradoUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-20-2022 11:17
From: Lesley Irminger
Subject: How do I receive a notification when a submission is accepted?
I see Erica mentioned this but I was unable to figure this out last year. At that time it was not a feature. My workaround was "old school." I had to go in weekly/biweekly etc. Review all submissions and then push out the emails. Not ideal but it worked.
Lesley Irminger
Events Manager
George Mason - Office Of University EventsUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-15-2022 18:49
From: Joshua Kumin
Subject: How do I receive a notification when a submission is accepted?
I don't see an option to create a planner notification in the abstract management portal so that I am sent an email when a submission is accepted. This is the process we are hoping to accomplish:
- My colleague accepts a submission
- I am notified
- I send a manual email to the co-authors (manually, outside of Cvent)
We have a system for 1 and 3. But, I need to know whenever my colleague accepts a submission, so I can be sure to promptly follow up with the co-authors (since it is not possible to have automatic emails sent to co-authors).
Any thoughts?
Joshua Kumin
University Of ColoradoUnited States