Hi Dee,
Thank you for your question!
At this time, our system doesn't have the capability to have the company name on the orders and details page of a registration. I can submit this as feedback to our product team and recommend you do the same under the ideas section of the Community.
As a work around, I would recommend adding the company field in the registration confirmation email and resending the registrant that email when requested.
Hope that helps!
Sydney Langer
Original Message:
Sent: 03-29-2024 09:52
From: Dee Lewis
Subject: Modify "Orders & Payments" and "Details" page
Is there a way to add the company name to the "orders & payments" page? When I send to attendee or print it out, it doesn't list the company that they're are with. It just has the attendee name. I want both.
Dee Lewis
Senior Administrative Professional
Healthcare Financial Management AssociationUnited States