Perfect, that did the trick. Thanks!!
Michelle Volonte
Merz AestheticsUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 09-30-2022 14:26
From: Sara Shidal
Subject: Notification when a meeting request is submitted
Once you click into your meeting request form, you should be on the details page. Scroll to the very bottom and you'll see a "Recipients" section. You can enter email addresses of who should receive an alert anytime a form is submitted.
Sara Shidal
Computer Services, Inc
Original Message:
Sent: 09-30-2022 14:10
From: Michelle Volonte
Subject: Notification when a meeting request is submitted
How can I trigger a notification when Meeting Request Form is submitted? Right now, I don't know when someone submits one unless they tell me or I happen to notice a new event on the Events page. Thanks!
Michelle Volonte
Merz AestheticsUnited States