Happy Wednesday everyone! Let's kickstart with our next edition of the Tip of the Week discussion! Events are a great source of lead generation. They offer the chance to make positive connections and long-lasting relationships and ultimately help fill the lead gen pipeline for instant sales or longer-term nurturing. Webinars offer the same opportunities.
Content and Brand Alignment
You must ensure the content of your webinar is aligned with your brand's offering and position. Other than very specific circumstances (such as a big new product launch, new feature set, or perhaps Q&As for your existing clients) it's best to produce webinars focused on thought leadership instead of direct sales messages.
Expertise and Value
Consider what pain points or challenges your target audience face – are there areas you could discuss that would demonstrate your expertise? Or how about the shape of the industry – is it changing in light of global shifts? Are there areas that you can see developing that others may not have yet?
Why Webinars?
Webinars are an excellent opportunity to build deep levels of trust in your brand within your target audience. And it's this that makes them a perfect tool for lead generation.
Focusing on your opinions, capabilities, and thoughts for the future is a great way to demonstrate your brand's position in the market.
First up, they provide your audience with a chance to interact directly with your people. Another specific benefit to webinars is that while they allow for a certain level of two-way interaction, they don't demand it from attendees.
Webinars = Lead-gen Data Mines
One core benefit of running webinars is that they provide an opportunity to gain a deep understanding of your audience and plenty of data for each attendee.
The nature of webinars means that you can capture a lot of critical data points around audience interest and pain points throughout the promotion and running of your webinar. With this data, you can provide highly personalized, tailored marketing communications that resonate much more with each individual.
After the Event
Post-webinar, continuing this complimentary marketing strategy should remain your priority. Still, you'll now also have the added benefit of being able to use parts of the webinar itself in follow-up content, whether that's by sharing first-hand data obtained through polls and Q&A during the webinar or editing and repurposing clips and soundbites from the day into a range of different formats, such as short videos, blog posts, written articles and so on.
Have a Plan, Have a Platform.
Put simply; webinars offer a fantastic lead generation opportunity when they're a planned and considered part of your marketing strategy.
Ensuring you have a comprehensive platform to support your webinar ambitions is paramount. First and foremost, you should consider utilizing a purpose-built webinar platform. Getting the right platform will put you in the best starting position to maximize webinar lead-generation opportunities.
Questions for you:
As always, feel free to drop in your suggestions in the comment section below!
Megha Jetley
Cvent Marketing Department