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Quarterly Product Updates - Q2 2023

  • 1.  Quarterly Product Updates - Q2 2023

    Posted 06-15-2023 11:15
    Edited by Daniel Marotta 04-15-2024 16:11

    Below you will find the full list of Q2 2023 Product Updates for #EventCloud. This quarter, we have updates to share on #AttendeeHub#Events+ #Registration#EventDiagramming#Budget#Budget, #MeetingsManagement#MeetingsManagement#SupplierNetwork,  #OnsiteSolutions,  #Surveys,  #Appointments, #Cvent Webinar#Integrations#Cvent Webinar

    Register for our Quarterly Product Update Webinar on July 11 to hear more about these releases and understand how they can support your in-person, virtual, or hybrid event strategy. You'll also get the chance to join our hour-long Q&A to ask live questions to our Product Managers!​ 


    Attendee Hub® 


    Profile Design Controls 
    Configure the design of attendee/speaker profiles to better align with your event's branding and styling to further curate the attendee experience with minimal effort. 


    Community Page Recommendations & Profile Block (Web) 
    Community page features that provide attendees the unique ability to view recommendations based on similar profile attributes and session attendance. Attendees will be encouraged complete their profile and prompt them to go visible so that they can get the most out of their experience with all of the community features. 


    Attendee Account Deletion 
    This feature will allow Attendees to request their account to be deleted through the app and will notify you that an Attendee has requested account deletion through an email. 


    Branded App Builder 

    If you are building a branded custom app, you can add app information and manage branding within Cvent creating a self-service builder experience. 


    Push Notifications: Support for Audience Segments 

    Audience Segments are now available as part of Push Notifications. Better engage your audience by providing tailored information effectively and efficiently. Simply create a segment, assign attendees, and confidently reach any group of attendees you create. Attendees will receive your notifications just like any other push notification but perfectly curated to their experience. 


    Enhanced Session Filtering 

    Attendees will be able to view all the filtering capabilities available for the session catalog in the event and a preview of the specific options from a side panel. From there, attendees will be able to apply filters in one manageable and convenient workflow to find things that are highly relevant and personalized to their interests. 


    Addition of Speaker List to Page Visibility 
    You can now control the visibility of the Speaker List page to attendees based on registration type and admission item. 


    Custom Page Image Support for Alt Text 

    You will be able to add, edit, and delete alternative text for custom page images directly in App Builder. Attendees using screen reader technologies will be able to take advantage of this alternative text to better understand the context of an image displayed on both the Attendee Hub web and event app. 


    Embedded Collaborative Session Updates 

    We have made a number of updates to the Embedded Collaborative sessions in Attendee Hub. Now a maximum of 1000 attendees can join this session type, previously the limit was 250. You also now have the ability to record, replay, and download sessions. 


    Attendee List Search Enhancement 

    Attendees no longer need to know an attendee's full first OR full last name, OR complete job title and company to perform a search on the attendee list. For example, if the job title is Senior Software Engineer, it will be indexed in 3 separate words `Senior`, `Software, and `Engineer`. If that attendee searches by anything that starts with these three words, the attendee will show up. 


    Data Tag Support in Code Snippets 

    Attendee Hub and Login will support data tags in code snippets in order to track specific attendee or event information. 

    Profile Image Optimization 

    Attendees and Speakers can now upload images and have them automatically positioned more optimally on the profile cards. This enhancement would reduce the likelihood of attendees and speakers having crucial parts of their facial features cropped off and allow these personas to better present themselves to others. 


    Poll Display Pop Up 

    Poll Questions/Results can be displayed as a pop up over the video screen for Attendee's to answer without having to navigate to the poll section of the engagement panel. 


    Q&A Display Pop Up 

    Q&A can be displayed as a pop up over the video screen for speakers to answer without having to navigate to the Q&A section of the engagement panel. Attendees will be able to easily follow and understand what question is being answered live. 


    Video Reactions for Embedded Collaborative Session 

    Attendees can now express their reactions and feelings during embedded collaborative sessions using a variety of emojis. By providing a range of emojis to choose from, participants can express themselves in a fun and creative way, making session more enjoyable and productive. 


    Pre-Recorded Session Videos in Event App 

    Within the Attendee Hub Event App, you will be able to give attendees the ability to virtually attend recorded sessions remotely and on the go. 

    Session Chat History 

    Session registrants will be able to view the history of the session chat after the chat has closed, allowing them to feel connected and engaged with conversation that happened during the live session chat. This will also allow you to review the session chat for reviewing feedback, gauging audience interest, or follow up on any comments. 

    Magic Link Authentication for Web 

    Streamline your attendees access to Attendee Hub through magic link authentication. You now have the option to add a magic link to any post registration email. This attendee specific button generates a personalized link that when clicked, bypasses the manual login experience into Attendee Hub. Including the magic link in your post registration emails will provide a 1-click access to Attendee Hub, reducing friction and increasing event participation. 


    Audience Segments - Enhancements 

    We're thrilled to announce some exciting enhancements to Audience Segments! 

    • Duplicate Audience Segments and copy attendee assignments 
    • Duplicate Audience Segments in Event copy wizard 
    • Enforced limits on attendee assignments 

    Buttons on Single Internal Link Cards 

    Custom internal link cards will now display a call-to-action button, rather than hyperlinked text, on the home page of the Attendee Hub website, creating a more cohesive and intuitive experience for attendees when navigating. By displaying the clickable text as a button, internal link custom cards now look the same as other automatically created cards that exist today. 

    Embedded collaborative sessions 

    Introducing an embedded solution for the collaborative sessions in Attendee Hub which enables hosts, speakers, moderators, and attendees to stay and collaborate within Attendee Hub. 

    Events+ (Formerly Video Center)


    Embedded Registration 

    Members can register for events directly in Video Center. This will allow members to register for events in one centralized location. 


    Login/Registration Improvement 

    You can now directly login to events, display logic, and join live events or sessions joining in Attendee Hub. This will allow members to get more direct access to events and sessions. 


    Upcoming Events 

    This shows a list of upcoming events that a member can browse and register for. 


    Connections for Video Center 

    Connections made across events now are available even on Video Center. Member's will be able to view their connections, 'Accept' or 'Ignore' a connections request. 

    Video Subtitle Editor 

    We have released a new subtitle editor for working with Cvent Videos within the video library. This editor allows you to edit video subtitles in all languages directly from the Cvent platform without having to edit in a separate application. 

    • Quickly review and edit video subtitles 

    • Create new subtitles on existing file without uploading a new one 

    • Multi-language support 


    Visibility & Visitor Permissions 

    Visibility provides you with an option to control when a visitor can see event content and on demand video across the site. 



    Exhibitor Networking Scheduling Restriction 

    You may not always want booth staff to reach out to attendees to schedule appointments, so a new setting has been introduced on the Exhibitor Networking Appointment configuration. You can now indicate that Booth Staff should not be able to schedule this type of appointment. When this setting is selected, booth staff will no longer see the meeting type available to book. They will still be automatically assigned to 'host' and will be able to manage critical features - such as adding colleagues and adjusting the date/time. 


    Exhibitor Administrator Control for Exhibitor Networking Appointments 

    Exhibitor Administrators now have full control to edit/swap current host as well as accept/decline Exhibitor Networking appointments on behalf of their booth staff (when logged in to the Appointment Calendar in the Exhibitor Admin Portal). 

    Event Management


    Speaker Ordering enhancements 

    On the Speaker List page, you will see a new column for the Order your speakers are currently set in. If you would like to update the order of your speakers go to the Actions menu where you will see the 'Set Order'. On this page you can manually update the speaker order or use the new options to quickly order by Last Name, First, Title or Company. 
    If you would like to update your category order for your event, from the Speaker List the Actions button has the new 'Set category order' page available to access. Here you can drag and drop the categories into your desired order. 



    Limit Guest capacities by Admission Item 

    This allows you to have more granular control over the number of guests registrants can bring. This can be especially useful for cases like Sponsor or Exhibitor registration, which previously had to be handled through a combination of many registration types, admission items, and registration paths. 


    Prevent Group Leader from accessing Group Member Details 

    We are introducing a new toggle in the Registration path settings called the "Allow Group Visibility" toggle. This would allow you to:

    • Restrict the group leader from viewing Group Member details added to the group by Admin or themselves during initial registration. 
    • Control if a group leader can add additional group members from the post-registration page. 
    • Restrict the group leader from being able to clear any balance due on a group member's behalf. 
    • Stop any communications made on behalf of group members to the group leader. 

    Registration Path Language Management 

    You can now customize the text for each registration path from Language Management. This can be done by going to Marketing > Language Management and selecting the Registration Path from the drop down on the page. The selection of the registration path will also apply to the text import 

    Matrix Questions 
    You can now include matrix questions to your registration process to easily gauge interest and ratings from your registrants. A matrix question is a question type with row and column options. Rows are referred to as Categories and Columns are referred to as Choices. 


    Allow Registration After Event Date 

    You will now be able to collect registrations post-event, up to the event archival date, for those attendees that will be consuming on demand content after the live dates have passed. This will allow you to increase registration and attendance numbers per-event by allowing attendees the option to attend when they're able, rather than being deterred by missing the live dates. 


    Air Actuals Changes Report 

    The Air Actual Changes report has been enhanced to display the original and modified submitted Air Actuals so that you can see the exact fields that were changed in the report. 


    Google Analytics Version 4 

    We have upgraded the built-in Google Analytics integration to support the latest version, Google Analytics 4. This gives you: 

    • A new option to choose Google Analytics 4 to track conversion and sales for events to make informed decisions. 

    • Support now available in Google Analytics modal under Weblinks. Select the Google Analytics 4 option and add Measurement ID to start tracking 

    • You no longer have to use Code Snippets to use the latest Google Analytics version 



    AI Writing Assistant 

    We're excited to announce Cvent's next big push into the AI space! 
    The new AI Writing Assistant is now available across the Cvent platform. This is a free artificial intelligence-based solution designed to enhance event planning and management. It is included with Cvent solutions and is designed to help you more rapidly build and refine your content throughout the platform. 

    • Strike the right tone by selecting from professional, formal, enthusiastic, or playful 

    • Determine content length (rephrase, concise, verbose) 

    • Support for multiple languages 

    Initial rollout areas: 

    • Event Management: Site designer, email designer, event descriptions, session descriptions 

    • Attendee Hub: Custom pages 

    • Cvent Supplier Network: Create message, decline supplier comments, create RFP – additional comments 

    • Video Center: video descriptions and banner text 



    Banner Image 

    You can now include a custom banner image that will display on the Webinar landing page to help create a consistent visual identity and build brand recognition. 


    Video Reactions 

    Participants can now express their sentiments during a webinar through a variety of emojis. Speakers, hosts, and moderators will be able to see real-time feedback from participants to make adjustments or gain confidence in the presentation. 




    Spend per Person 

    Associating spend to registrants in a meeting/event has previously been referred to as TOV (Transfer of Value) or HCP Spend (Health Care Professional Spend). This functionality was created to allow spend-per-person tracking through the Budget module. We have renamed this feature in New Budget as Spend per Person (SPP) to offer a cohesive term for those who wish to utilize this feature. 
    There are now 2 new selections in this section for associating spend of a Budget item to the people in an event: None and All. You can now decide to not associate a budget item with registrants by selecting "None" or conversely, you can associate all registrants to a budget item and the cost will be split evenly per registrant by selecting "All"  


    Meeting Request Forms


    Exclude archived meeting requests from Access Portal Requests and Events list 

    The Requests and Events list on Access Portal will now exclude archived meeting requests. This will result in improved performance and load time for Access Portal users who have a large amount of historical meeting request submissions. There will be no changes to your ability to manage archived meeting requests or the default archive date. 




    OnArrival 1.28 now available in Google Play Store 

    This new version includes support for Session Terms and Conditions and QuickScan for multi check-in sessions. 


    OnArrival 3.73 is now available in the App Store. 

    This includes the following features: 

    • Accessibility support for kiosk mode to allow attendees to check in and print badges via voiceover and screen readers 
    • NFC enhancements for admin scanning 


    Diagramming and Seating (Previously Social Tables)


    3D View in Diagram 
    See live changes and navigate through Photo-Realistic 3D rooms alongside your diagram. Click on View 3D to load the experience. Diagram edits will update in real-time and you can easily navigate around Photo-Realistic 3D room by clicking or using your arrow keys. 


    2-Way Event Integration Seating Sync 

    Registration now seamlessly syncs with Diagramming and Seating. This functionality allows Registration users to import an existing registrant list into Diagramming and Seating.  


    Empty Chairs Removed on Decreasing Chair Count 

    When decreasing chair count, the system will prioritize deleting chairs without seated guests over those with seated guests, regardless of chair number. 


    Inform Event Integration Users of Fields Syncing to Cvent 

    We now display an icon over column headers in the Grid and Attendee Modal to educate users on which editable content syncs to Cvent when using the Event Integration. 


    eCommerce workflow 
    You can now directly purchase the "Pro" plan (self-service) and view and modify financial information within settings. We have optimized the integration with Stripe for a subscription creation. 



    New Integration with Zoom Events 
    You can now link a Zoom Event with a Cvent event and leverage Registration capabilities to drive attendees to the Zoom event experience.

    Cvent Salesforce App v7.1 

    With this release you will now have the ability to the sync invitation email statuses. You can choose if you want to sync Invitation Sent, Invitation Opened, and Invitation Bounced, and map them to campaign member statuses or use them in a custom automation 

    Developer Portal Refresh 

    Developers will experience a refreshed Developer Portal, offering an updated and more consistent experience when reviewing our API documentation and managing apps. 


    Self-Serve Zoom Integration 

    We're happy to announce that you can now set up and activate your self-service Zoom Integration, giving you more control over managing your credentials securely. 

    We have also moved the integration documentation to this new location: 


    Webex Integration – Enhancement  

    You can now set up and activate your Webex integration in a self-service manner. 




    Bridge Data Tags for Event Surveys 
    For Event Surveys, you can use a bridge data tag that will allow the attendees to navigate from one event survey to the next. This makes it easier for attendees to respond to all the event's surveys continuously.  
    Require a Category Level for Matrix Question 
    For event and non-event surveys, you can now configure what category you want to mark as required for a matrix question. Giving you the flexibility to control what the attendees to respond to.   

    Standalone Email Alerts - Edited Responses 

    The survey should be setup to allow the respondents to edit their already submitted responses. The alerts trigger when a new response is submitted however now planners will be able to create an alert for the edited responses as well. 
    The alert will trigger every time the respondent edits their already submitted response and resubmit the survey. 


    Pass assessments based on number of correct answers 

    You can configure assessments to be passed based on the number of correct answers that attendees get. This makes it even more flexible to determine the best way to evaluate and measure attendee's knowledge. 


    Scoring model enhancement for assessments 

    For assessments that leverages scoring to evaluate attendee answers, you can now use multi-select question types for score configuration.  


    Event feedback survey questions in advanced filters for email 

    You can now include specific event feedback survey questions in the email advance filters and determine if an email gets triggered based on specific event feedback survey question answers. This allows you to create different email content based on survey questions, providing you more flexibility on how to send event emails. For example, you can now send different certificates based on how someone filled out your survey. 

    Cvent Supplier Network


    Draft RFP 

    You can save an RFP in Draft status if you do not have all the information with you and can come back and complete it later. 

    Citywide RFP 

    When an organization is hosting an event that will require space at more than one venue (meeting space and hotel rooms included), you can classify these events as a "Citywide" event and create the RFPs for these events. 

    RFP Approval 

    A user with no Approval rights can create an RFP which will be put in Pending status and then the approver can go in and launch it. 

    Linked Event 

    You can now link an existing event with the RFP and that RFP will also be shown in the Event once Awarded. 

    Multi-Award RFP 

    You can select multiple venues to Award within a single RFP at once. 

    "Not Sent" venues now available in the RFP Bid Comparison Reports 

    You may like to compare the venues side by side prior to actually sending off the RFP. Now you can add venues to the RFP, run the RFP Bid Comparison Reports, and group them separately. This includes a new "Not Sent" subpage when the report is grouped by status. If the report is grouped by metro area or venue type, the "Not Sent" venues will appear with their respective pages under the "Not Sent" proposal status 

    Link to view proposal in Bid Comparison Reports 

    "View Proposal" will be a new reporting field under the Venue Information category which be pull in a hyperlink to view the full standard or custom proposal from that venue. If the venue submitted a smart custom proposal, the link will include an additional indicator letting the planner know the bid was sent with a customized template. 

    Vendor Marketplace


    Vendor Marketplace globally 

    If you are outside of North America, you will be able to access Vendor Marketplace and send Vendor RFIs to vendors across the globe. 


    Cvent Official - Product News