Perfect thank you! Once you actually create the internal questions and import the answers. how does that information appear within the attendee profile within the event app?
All I am finding is a way to filter, but not actually add content.
Any insight is appreciated :) Thank you!
Erin Fitzgerald
Event Manager
US Bank National AssociationUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-19-2023 11:06
From: Tori Martinez
Subject: Table assignments in event app
Of course! Internal information is in the "Attendee" dropdown on the left column. You can set up the question there. Answers can be bulk imported or added under the "Answers" section of the individual attendee.
Tori Martinez
Event Technology Specialist
Direct Travel
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-19-2023 10:54
From: Erin Fitzgerald
Subject: Table assignments in event app
Thank you Tori! How do you add the internal fields into the attendee profile?! I can't seem to find how to do that.
Erin Fitzgerald
Event Manager
US Bank National AssociationUnited States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-19-2023 05:37
From: Tori Martinez
Subject: Table assignments in event app
Hi Erin!
The table assignments currently don't pull over; however, the workaround I use is to make it an internal question, which can then be added into the attendee's profile. Another option I used was to create a PDF document with the table assignments, put it in Cvent to get a URL, then link it on a custom page.
Tori Martinez
Event Technology Specialist
Direct Travel
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-18-2023 20:57
From: Erin Fitzgerald
Subject: Table assignments in event app
Is there a way to pull individual table assignments into either the profile or the session in the event app?
Erin Fitzgerald
Event Manager
US Bank National Association