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  • How can I import the sessions created in abstract management in event management? How can I import the authors of the accepted papers in abstract management as speakers in event management? #AbstractManagement ------------------------------ Antoine ...

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    Hotel "select" button greyed out

    I built my registration site awhile back and working to send out "reminder invitations". The people that already registered had no problems "selecting" the hotel button. Now, the "select" button is greyed out and I can't figure out how to make this ...

  • What social media platforms have you found most effective for promoting your event? Instagram, Facebook How do you measure the success of your event promotion efforts on social media? Likes, registrations from links in bio ------------------------------ ...

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    RE: Creating a grid for website

    Lindsey, I applaud you for trying to create this! I've tried before but always get tripped up by the Section needing to cover 100% width, and not being able to set random widths of each column. Instead, I use an image. I create the table as I'd ...

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    Meeting Request Form

    Hi, As I am using MRF I have not being able to add choose questions in a row. Due to this the form size is increasing, Also the form aesthetic won't look no good. Anybody? #MeetingRequestForm ------------------------------ Dishant Yashwante GMAC USUnited ...

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    Multi-Language Help

    Hi all, I am creating an event that will take place in multiple languages. I have the Multi-Language Event turned on in under "event information" and I have the widget built into my registration page, but the only options of languages it gave me were ...

  • Hi Shakeera - Not sure what steps you used to create your link but believe it needs to be created using the "Embedded Widget". If not, it may not work as intended and that might be the error that you are seeing. Please take a look at this Knowledge ...

  • Hello all, I am a new user to CVENT and I have been experiencing some issues with embedding. I have made the Feature Status live for my event's website and registration; however, when I try to embed the CVENT website onto an external webpage, I have ...

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