Community Badges

Community Badges

Isn’t it great to have your contributions reflect on your profile? Participate in the Cvent Community and earn badges and ribbons. Get involved and elevate as you work your way through each level. Check on your progress any time by clicking on Achievements under the My Contributions section in your profile.

Getting Started
Start your explorer Journey

We welcome you to the Cvent Community. This ribbon shows on your profile for 60 days after you accept the Community Terms of Use.


 This ribbon on the profile indicates that the customer is also a Cvent Celebrity. 


 This ribbon on the profile indicates that the customer has an active Cvent Certification.  

Get this badge for filling out your user profile and selecting a profile picture. Letting the community know a bit more about who you are and what you’re interested in makes for a better, more connected community.

This badge is earned the first time you post a discussion in the Open Forum. Post a reply or start a discussion to get answers and connect with other users!

Subscribe to Cvent Community digest to receive a personalized summary of top discussions and everything new happening to earn this badge.

Getting out there
Elevate to the next level

This badge is earned after you have posted 8 times in the Open Forum. Initiate discussions to get answers from the users and connect!

This badge is earned after you have posted 20 times in the Open Forum. Initiate discussions to get answers from the users and connect!

This badge is earned after you have posted 50 times in the Open Forum. Initiate discussions to get answers from the users and connect!

Master the art of excellence

Build a habit and login to community on a regular basis and keep the streak going with a total logins of 30 times in 90 days to earn this badge.

Is there anything you haven’t achieved? Earn all badges from the 'Getting out there' and ‘frequent flyer’ to master the ultimate badge and be a super Community user.

Getting Featured
Be that Inspiring individual


Share your favorite product trick, help others learn the platform, and get recognized. Contribute your tip to the Tip of the Week Community discussion series. 


For contributing your success story in the Share & Tell Community discussion. Sharing Industry ‘do’s and don’ts’ that you have learned from your event experience.


Start a strategic discussion, help others in our industry, and get recognized. Start the conversation for the Huddle of the Week Community discussion series. 


For completing all the activities, challenges and levels in a Community Contest. You made it succesfully to the contest leaderboard in the interactive Community scavenger hunt