Add categories to the exhibitors. I recommend having a selection of categories for them to select from when they sign up to be an exhibitor to minimize the number of categories (and prevent duplicates such as "Food", "Foods", "Food and Beverage", "Food & Beverage", "F&B", etc. Exhibitors love the option just as much as attendees because they get higher quality foot traffic when people already know what expertise they have as opposed to visiting booths, getting into a discussion, then finding out they're not a match.
Julie-Michelle Davis, CMP
Meetings Manager
Amex GBT - USA
Original Message:
Sent: 08-15-2023 13:36
From: Ron Segundo
Subject: Adding additional categories/tags for Exhibitors/Sponsors
We categorize our exhibitors/sponsors in a tiered format (ie., platinum, gold, silver, bronze) but I'd also like to categorize them so attendees can search by their content expertise (e.g., Social-emotional learning, inclusive academic instruction, etc.). Is there a way to do this in the exhibitor portal?
Ron Segundo
Project Manager
Orange County Department of Education (OCDE)United States