Hi Paz,
It is difficult to advise on this without taking a look in your specific template/event within your account. Are you able to give our 24/7 Customer Care team a call or chat with them via the chat function in the Community, so they can pull up your account details and take a look and then make suggestions on how to adjust to fix?
Julia Plymack
Senior Client Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 03-18-2024 12:17
From: Paz Concha
Subject: Costume Footer tag
Hi everyone! I'm having trouble with the following tag is invalid {[A-CUSTOM TAG:EMAIL FOOTER-WTW-SPANISH-LATAM-V2]}, does any body knows which is the new version for latam emails so I can change it and save the template for the rest of the invite?
Paz Concha
GBT Travel Services UK Limited (for the Benefit of Willis Towers Watson)United States