Thank you so much Tori,
this was very helpful. :-) I was on the same page several times without discovering this possibility.
Torbjorn Vinje
Daglig leder
Forum for offentlig serviceNorway
Original Message:
Sent: 05-04-2023 14:34
From: Tori Martinez
Subject: Hotel Accomodations
In the back end under Hotel Accommodations, you can go under the Room Block section, edit the Room Type, and change the setting to "Calculate room rates by night and registration type." The set the Speaker price for $0.
Hope that helps!
Original Message:
Sent: 5/4/2023 1:31:00 PM
From: Torbjorn Vinje
Subject: Hotel Accomodations
Participants book accommodation in my event. How do I set the price to zero for speakers?
Torbjorn Vinje
Daglig leder
Forum for offentlig serviceNorway