Original Message:
Sent: 1/18/2024 11:44:00 AM
From: Rebecca Yousif
Subject: RE: notification for sourcing in progress and assigned sourcing agent
Hi Mary -
In the body of your email, you could just include a data tag with whatever you want to include.
You could include all roles assigned to that event - Data Tag = {[E-ROLES]}
Or for just the sourcing managers - Data Tag = {[E-ROLE:Primary Sourcing Manager]} or {[E-ROLE:Secondary Sourcing Manager]}
Here's a few helpful articles on the best ways to use Data Tags:
Rebecca Yousif
Senior Administrator - Event Technology
Original Message:
Sent: 01-18-2024 11:18
From: Mary Trent
Subject: notification for sourcing in progress and assigned sourcing agent
thanks Rebecca, i got that far but want to include who was assigned to the request....is there a way to do this?
Mary Trent
Meeting and Events Category Specialist
CHEVRON USA, INC.United States
Original Message:
Sent: 01-17-2024 22:27
From: Rebecca Yousif
Subject: notification for sourcing in progress and assigned sourcing agent
Hi Mary -
While there might be a couple of ways to set this up, one way that is used a lot is to have the notification trigger when a status is changed. Below is an example of how to set it up based on a specific meeting request form and a status as your trigger.
When you set up the notification:
1) Click on create a notification
2) Name the notification
3) For the selection - "Send this notification for" you can select that particular form
4) You can select a specific status (example: Assigned)
5) For send the notification - "When entering the above status"
6) Complete the "Reply to Email Address", "Subject", and the "Body" of the message that you want to send to the requester
7) Under Recipient, for Type = "Requester Email Address"
Here's an article that should also help with the setup:
Hope this helps!
Rebecca Yousif
Senior Administrator - Event Technology
Original Message:
Sent: 01-17-2024 21:30
From: Mary Trent
Subject: notification for sourcing in progress and assigned sourcing agent
Hello all, I am trying to create a notification to alert the meeting requester who has been assigned as the sourcing agent. I can not figure out the correct way to do this..please help at your convenience.
Mary Trent
Meeting and Events Category Specialist
CHEVRON USA, INC.United States