Hi There,
I do not believe there is currently a way to segment the speakers for audiences as you are looking for. Yes, you may mark speakers as "Visible on AttendeeHub" or vice versa, but I don't think that's what you are looking for. From my understanding you would like all speakers visible, but just for the correct audience/attendees that are applicable to certain speakers? In CrowdCompass it was possible to do so using "Groups", but this feature is not available in the Event App/AttendeeHub.
Chelsea Benge Ostoich
Events Software Specialist
Original Message:
Sent: 02-21-2023 12:22
From: Angelina Si Ning Bong
Subject: Page Visibiity - Speakers
Hi there,
We are planning a hybrid event on Attendee Hub in April. Is there a way to hide page visibility of the Speakers Page that is on the website and app?
We have different speakers depending on experience, and we have not found a way to show speakers based on the experience, and we just want to hide the speakers page altogether.
We currently don't see this as an option when we go to the Page Visibility settings in Attendee Hub.
Angelina Si Ning Bong
Contingent Worker