Hi Colleen,
Hmmm, I'm wondering but not positive if this is it - when you added the reg type widget, did you specify the reg type to be associated with it for that path? I'm thinking the widget still needs that added in, too.
Tori Martinez
Event Technology Specialist
Direct Travel
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 04-27-2023 12:44
From: Colleen Debold
Subject: Registration Types and Paths
Please help!!!!!!!!! I have created three (3) registration types for attendees to choose from when filling out the registration form, and made sure the correct admission items, fees and session items are associated with each type.
I then went into the site designer, created three (3) paths and selected which type is associated with each path, and added the "Registration Type" widget to each path in the personal information page. I made sure to publish and save my changes.
When I go to test the registration, the link opens up to the registration page and I notice the "Registration Type" dropdown menu is not an option on the personal information page, even though it is visible in the site designer. When I go to fill out the information I can, and click "Next", a "Registration Type Error" pops up and I am not able to proceed.
What am I doing wrong? I need the registration type dropdown menu to be available because there are different fees associated for each type.
Colleen Debold
Member Services Manager
Seasonal Connect, LLCUnited States