Cvent Beginners

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  • 1.  [Sessoin]: how to translate session location

    Posted 02-28-2023 22:15


    for session location, is there function to translate them? I see the session name (title) is avaiable for translation, but cannot find the field for session location?



    Alex Huang
    Sunrider IntlUnited States

  • 2.  RE: [Sessoin]: how to translate session location

    Posted 03-07-2023 12:50

    Hi Alex,

    I would suggest looking into Language Managment for these translations, but given that these are locations that are added by you and not default in the system, this may not work. According to Cvent, you will need to create your own translations for any supplemental text you choose to add to your event. Examples of text that is not automatically translated include:

    Chelsea Benge Ostoich
    A: Event Planner

  • 3.  RE: [Sessoin]: how to translate session location

    Posted 03-08-2023 02:04

    @Alex Huang 

    I'm wondering the same. Cannot find it in the language management. 

    Etsuko Aoyama
    Conference & Event Technology Contractor
    Geodesic Capital