Cvent supports a wide variety of software integrations that allow data to flow seamlessly between Cvent and other critical SaaS solutions customers may use. Visit the Cvent App Marketplace for more on specific integrations. Occasionally these integrations are updated or retired and therefore customers need to make time-sensitive software updates to ensure their integrations continue to work without disruption. NOTE: In the Event product, customers should ensure that they populate the “Integration Contacts” field which is found under the ADMIN section with the right technical POC contact information so that Cvent can communicate quickly and directly with the right Integration expert.View "Integration Contacts" FAQs
Using UTM parameters for registration attribution? We're excited to announce you can now sync that UTM data back to Marketo.
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Using UTM parameters for registration attribution? We're excited to announce you can now sync that UTM data back to Eloqua.
Looking for integration documentation? We’ve made some improvements to better meet our customers with the tools and resources most appropriate for them.
UPDATE required by July 1, 2024
Resources and step-by-step guides to upgrading to Salesforce App 8.0.
UPDATE required by October 31, 2023
Get step-by-step instructions on how to authorize Cvent to access your GoToWebinar account.
Get a step-by-step tour of the updates you need to make before October 31st.
UPDATE required by July 31, 2023
Get a step-by-step tour of the updates you need to make before July 31st.
UPDATE required by June 30, 2023
Get a step-by-step tour of the updates you need to make before June 30th.