What is a heading? Visually, headings are easy to spot. They're the important text that's bigger, bolder, and set apart from the main text. Headings describe the content they head up . When you land on a page you probably scan it quickly for headings, which give you a pretty...
What is alternative text? Whenever you add an image to a document, website, or app, you should also have the option to add a text alternative for the image. This alternative text, or alt text, is usually invisible, but it will display if the image fails to load. This means even if...
Color done right can catch the eye, set a mood, improve understanding, evoke your brand, and call attention to what's most important. Color is a great tool in your belt for driving engagement. But, done wrong, it can stop people who see differently from being able to engage at all. Let's talk...
Welcome back for the June 2024 edition of In Case You Missed It, our monthly retrospective look at all the amazing happenings in Cvent Community brought to you by the Cvent Community Team . We'll cover discussion highlights, event trends, new product and features, the incredible members...
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