Welcome to October 2023 In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) series! Brought to you by the Cvent Community Team highlighting the popular posts at month-end and the community member that posed the thought-provoking question or submitted the great product idea.
Here are the popular posts for October 2023.
Adding multiple check-out options asked by @Andrea LangleyPreview Badge asked by @Kris EllisUpdating User Access/Administrator asked by @Christina HofmannDynamic Email Text Based on Reg Question asked by @Jess OlcottVisit any of the above threads in the Open Forum to learn best practices and add your personal experience to continue with the conversation.
Almost 70% of community members indicated that interactive workshops and activities are most effective for creating an immersive event experience. Be sure to submit your responses to our weekly poll and we’ll share the results next month
Account Search submitted by @Charlotte GrimmettLast Page navigation button on new MRF submitted by @Suzie NielsenExhibitor Portal Copying tasks submitted by @Michele CraigBanners - Custom Order submitted by @Christine PetersonCreate New Emails for Exhibitors submitted by @Brenda Ainsburg
Congratulations on having your ideas turned into product feature enhancements. Let us know in the comments how these features make you more productive or successful! Continue to vote for ideas important to you and your event success or submit a new one!
And thanks to all members that contributed to October’s wrap up! Feel free to comment below with your thoughts. To be notified about monthly wrap ups like this one, subscribe to #Blog or #MonthlyWrap